1st Taxotere......

I had my last Tax on thursday and to be honest this time it isn’t so bad. Maybe its because its the last one I you know the SE will be over soon

Same side effects in respect of taste and bone pain but seems to be a bit less(Maybe I am getting used to it). The tierdness is the main thing for me and maybe thats cumulative given all I have been through and I find myself sleeping during the day. I worked full time through fEC, with TAx I have worked too but at home for some of the time asI have no energy to drive! Good luck to you all and hope it goes xxxxx

Hopefully now I know what to expect I will find the SE’s with this and the last one more manageable, I did with the FEC after the first one once I knew what to expect! I admire all of you who have managed to carry on working thoughout treatment, I haven’t worked since diagnosis in February I think it would be one thing too much as being a single parent with hardly any family I have enough to worry about without work! I am struggling to even do any housework and the ironing pile is almost to the ceiling lol! Luckily I have 2 teenage boys who have been brilliant!!
Nearly there girls!
Tigs xxx

Hello Ladies,
I had my first TAX last Monday and on Wed eve the side effects began to kick in. I have never, ever felt so ill in my life, the phrase ‘death would be a welcome release’ has sprung to mind quite frequently. My main problem is trying to sleep, I know everyone says it knocks you for 6 but the bone pain is gnawing away at me through the night and I’m really struggling. My hips and lower back are going into spasm and I really can’t cope with the pain. Am on 8 paracetamol a day and must admit that last night after crying for a couple of hours I rummaged around and found some codeine which were left over pain relief from my operation.
Any suggestions??
Really can’t keep going with this as it is :frowning:

Hi Gill

With my first TAC (which includes TAX) I had awful pains in my legs and with the steroids too I didn’t sleep for 3 days and nights. On my next chemo my onc said to take ibuprofen before you expect the pain to start and take it regular. I know some people don’t like to take ibuprofen though if they have stomach probs. I also asked for some sleeping tablets ( I had lorazapem which I think helps with pains and relaxing muscles anyway) just to take on the three nights I couldn’t sleep and it helped, the pain wasn’t half as bad and I got some sleep so at least I could function during the day. Don’t know if it was simply a case of not getting as much aching second time round or taking the meds above helped. I had my 3rd TAC nearly 3 weeks ago and I have had very little pain in my legs this time, have my 4th TAC this Thurday so we will see how I get on.

After my first TAC I was also thinking do I have to go through this awful aching and lack of sleep every cycle for 3 days but it has got better with every cycle and I would go through it again, even with the awful pain, as I want to do all I can to stop the cancer coming back.

You can do this Gill, I would speak to your Onc or BCN about what else you can take.

Good Luck Gill. Amanda xx

Hi Gill - I had terrible bone pain too - called the on call night doctor out - he gave me some strong ibibrufen (?) and that didnt touch it. So for tax 2 got morphine off the onc - was still in pain but bearable.

Thanks for your advice Amanda and Sally,
Think I’ll call the chemo suite tomorrow and see what they suggest. Not sleeping because of the pain is just making everything so much worse. Will have to sort some different pain relief for the next tax.
Am going to have some codeine before I go to bed tonight and hope that helps.
Fingers crossed for some sleep tonight.
Gill x