24 and Diagnosed 25/9/13

For the first time since being diagnosed in September I have finally come across other women of a similar age diagnosed with breast cancer. I was diagnosed aged 24 with invasive grade 3 her2 and er positive plus one effected lymph node back in september which came as the biggest shock to myself and family I think I might still be in shock at times!After having a lumpectomy I am currently going through chemo I only have one more chemo to go on the 7th of March then its 5 weeks of radiotherapy , 1 year of herceptin then tamoxifin. I’m just looking to talk with others in similar situation or to even find groups to meet up and talk.



Hello victoria, I have exactly the same cancer as you and same outcome of surgery - having further surgery on wed 26th of feb as the results came back with not enough clear margins and 1 out of the 3 lymph nodes they took came back positive.  I was diagnosed end of jan this year after finding a lump (i wasnt checking) just before xmas.  They have said (although could change with outcome of this surger) that i will be on chemo for 6 months with herceptin for a yr, followed by radiotherapy and hormone therapy for 5 - 10 yrs.  Im finding the fertility side of things quite tough -  I am not able to see an oncologist about this untill the outcome of my next surgery.  We have an 18month old little girl so will have to fund eggs being frozen or something like that ourselves.  How have you found the chemo?

Hello Peanut89 and Eam28

Just wanted to let you know about the ‘One to One Support’ we have, whereby you can talk to a volunteer (by email or telephone) of a similar age who has had breast cancer and can support you.

Here are the links if you would like to have a look





best wishes

June, moderator