28 days of tamoxifen

Girls please help! I have just had a mastectomy due to DCIS no more treatment except tamoxifen which was dismissed at first then a day later suggested as maybe a good idea. I am 51 still regular really scared about tamoxifen. Any opinions?

Hi Norma, its all a bit of a shock, why are you scared of Tamoxifen? its really very good at what it does, and your cancer was probably hormone receptive, so it will ensure that any oestrogen is blocked, have you looked at www.cancerbackup.org.uk? that tells you exactly what tamoxifen does, if you are wanting more answers to why you have been put on it, then get in touch with your bc nurse, or ask the nurse on here, you shouldn’t be worrying too much after just having surgery, sometimes our minds are so full of other things that we forget to ask the questions, then sit and worry for days, please get in touch with someone to put your mind at rest. ok, the side effects can be a bit yuk, but its very dependent on the individual.

lots of love

Alison xxxx

Well I am now 1 wk into my arimidex and the twinging in the ovary seems to have stopped but the hot sweats are building up nicely, this whole disease is so shit.
