2nd WLE tomorrow

Good thanks x

My wife is going for 1st WLE in the morning, we don’t really know what to expect nor how long she is likely to be in hospital. We’re hoping for day case and hopefully home in the evening but she reacted badly to anaesthetic after SNB 6 months ago and ended up staying overnight anyhow. She’s been on Letrozol for almost 8 months which from latest MRI has apparently been successful in making tumour less dense but hasn’t really reduced its overall size so were not sure what the overall impact of WLE will be. Surgeon predicting most impact will be on underside of her breast so she’s quite hopeful that damage will not be too imposing. She’s struggled a bit with the rheumatic pain type side effects of Letrozol but shes coping really well generally, especially now there’s the focus of WLE. One thing were really unclear on is the odds of not getting clear margin, and thus need for second WLE. Is second Op a common occurrence or less so? Anyone of you wonderful ladies got any experiences to share?

Hi Alipalli,
How thoughtful of you to come on here and ask us experts- we all have degrees in BC now. I even told consultant that I would be after a job once this is all over. Think he was shocked I was so jovial as he had just told me I needed another wle as he didn’t get clear margins. My consultant told me prior to the first op there was a 10% chance they wouldn’t get clear margins. Obviously being a tricky customer and wanting to feel a bit special I am in that 10%!
As for what to expect (what it may look like afterwards) my consultant did a great job and I only have a slight dent, and despite needing another wle what it looks like is the least of my worries.
Hope that helps a bit and send my good luck wishes to you wife. Also take care of yourself US BC ladies do become rather irrational at times. (My OH is awaiting his knighthood following this)

Sam x

Hi alipalli, I’m having second wle, not sure when, apparently it can be quite common . Wle wasn’t bad for me and was only two weeks ago today. I had lymph nodes removed as well that was the one that’s giving me probs. in my hosp if your ok after wle you can go home same day, but they are happy for you to stay in if you prefer. They have a guideline to follow with clear margins and unfortunately it takes pathology 7 to 10 working days to prob check and double check good clear margins. As for cosmetic look after can be difficult to tell at first due to swelling, I’ve a dint and will probably be a bigger one after next wle was offered transfer something flap taken from my back i was sure before first wle would do this but it honestly doesn’t look that bad, and as I’m so sick of arm probs now I’ve decided no.
my bc nurse said its not uncommon for 2nd wle, but good luck and hopefully won’t be necessary, it’s just the wait after!
nice to see OH putting concerns on here, look after yourselves x

Thanks for your responses ladies, very helpful. I’m used to the irrationality, letrozole for 8 months with the attached mood swings has got me into the swing. :slight_smile: my wife is actually in surgery now so we’ll see what the next two hours brings.


I too am having a second wle next Friday I had initial surgery on 15 May and have had to wait for results of an enhanced MRI before having the second operation. The process does seem to be slow but at least now I know they only have to revise the margins and there aren’t any more surpises lurking in either breast.

Hi nice to read you are going thru exactly same as me.I had wle on 30th may my margin isn’t clear either have to have a reexcision on 24th July.it’s good to know nothing showed on your scan and just need to revise margins.I havnt been offered enhanced scan so they don’t know wether anything is in their or not .but it has give me confidence reading your post in that hopefully mine will be just revise margins and havnt cut edge of another lump further across.let me know how you o on and good luck

My wife’s surgery yesterday went extremely well according to excellent surgeon, she’s home today,resting and recovering from the battering that her body underwent. Obviously we have to wait for clear margin results but at the moment she’s really positive and glad the operation is over. Hopefully no second entry necessary and she cget move on to the rads, that we are anticipating though with little knowledge. Tank you ladies for your help earlier in the week, we appreciate it. Keep being strong. Alipalli

Hi ladies and gents, reading your comments, it seems that second WLE’s are quite common, although I do wonder why they don’t get it all first time round, I am quite small breasted, my surgeon said this makes it slightly more difficult to get clear margins. Anyways, have now been told after my 2nd WLE, I’m clear yipee!!! So now the wait continues for the next stage of treatment, an appointment with the oncologist and discussion about radiotherapy, I work in school and would really prefer it done during school holidays, but will just have to go with the flow. Hope you all recover quickly from your surgery, and the sun shines so we can enjoy it during our enforced time off x

I have good news too. Yesterday I was told my bone scan was clear and today I was told my liver scan was clear! Have shed a few tears of relief. x

I have been diagnosed with ductal invasive carcenoma at first biopsy it was grade 2 sensitive to female hormone I was given a lumpectomy and 3 nodes removed 21 st June on results of that was graded 3 with one node infected of the three. I am now in hospital had full node clearancscrolls cells removed around where lump was removed some skin and a drain fitted on day 2 the drain is only 100 in total can go home tomorrow after seeing physio with drain ! It’s the waiting for results that is the worst. Hope that helps

Hi patty great news that you have a clear margin on your 2nd wle.I have my 2nd wle on the 25th July.fingers crossed for me as well

Hi all,
Chillipink will be thinking of you on Thursday beacuse a syou will be undergoing 2nd WLE I will be getting my results from my 2nd WLE!!! Onbviously us ladies having 2 just want our monies worth out of the NHS!

SAm x