I’m waiting on the results of my 2nd lot of surgery after having little/no healthy margins on my WLE. Was just wondering if everyone feels like they are in a whirlwind at the mo.
I have only had 1 bad day and wonder if there is something wrong with me. Most people think it is because I have 3 children but I know other ladies who have collapsed in emotional heaps in the same family background.
Also if there are any ladies from N. Ireland who want a chat/meet etc.
Hi Lisa
My name’s Lisa and Im 35 - total whirlwind - Im trying to hold it together to have a nice weekend before my chemo starts on wednesday - tyotally terrified.
Hope you have good results
After diagnosis end Jan, went in with very small lump, had lumpectomy and sentinel node, then found out lump was bigger, one node affected, had mastec and imm reconstruction in April and had my first chemo last Friday.
I have not lost it at all, and truly don’t believe that I am bottling it up. I have two small children, so perhaps it is that. Just deal with it as you see best. I am trying everything I wouldn’t have thought of before - reflexology, Bach flower stuff, Manuka honey!!! WHo knows what works, but don’t feel weird because you are feeling as you do.
Good luck with it all - it is a whirlwind, but the more you go through it, the more you understand and the less mindboggling it may be. Still bloody stressful and awful of course!
you aint nosey at all - I love the saying “you’ll be grand” - Im not from Northern Ireland but do love your accents!!
Im 35, lost my husband to suicide 5 years ago and then my mother in law 5 months later from Overian Cancer. Disagnosed mid Feb this year with BC - after 5 weeks of tooin and froin at hospital because of mixed opinions I had a masectomey and clearance of nodes - was expecting a lot worse as was only in one lymph node which I assumed was in a lot more as had large lump under arm too!! Thought this was good but ONC said was still poor prognosis which was gutted at but stats are stats.
Ihavent collapsed but veer towards it - with me its the fear of the unknown and what’s going to happen - hopefully once the chemo starts I can count down to when it finished.
Sounds like you are together - maybe it is cos you have kids and have to keep strong for them. Hope you are still coping.
Let me know how your results are and fingers crossed.
I’ll let you know about chemo but will be later in week as been told to move back to parents for first session - that’s the dog in a strop with me!!!
HI Lisa, Rebecca and Woolly,
How are we all doing? What is it with men, kids and animals they only think about themselves?
I got my results today so thankfully don’t need any more surgery. Just have to wait now to see the oncologist which may be later than expected because of the bank holiday etc :(.
Lisa you poor babe you have been through the mill. Fingers crossed the chemo isn’t too hard on you, I suppose we all react differently to it. Let us know how you get on when you feel up to it.
I bumped up the thread about bandanas cause my eldest son isn’t keen on me doing a GI Jane just yet.
Thats great news that you dont need further surgery. Im in Northern Ireland, and there are at least 2 other girls on here. Im a young 42! with 3 kids 7, 10,13…My kids where very adaptable to me being bald, but i always wore my wig out of the house…and bandanas inside! A year on, ive just finished herceptin, still tired, but need vino to sleep! Hair is very slow to grow back, but getting there…Im divorced, with recently acquired dog, and a new partner whilst still wearing wig!
Well even though government says wine causes breast cancer I’ve had a couple tonight before giving it a rest for a while! Madly trying to tidy house. Lisa so glad no more surgery thatys fab news and hope Oncologist goes okay.
Ive been through it but then so had everyone on here., Wig shopping tomorrow, aaarrrgghh1, dreading it, I have short hair but I always have wacky styles and colours so hoping they aint gonna have horrid old fashioned wigs!!! Got lots of bandanas to try but god i look awful in them, look like an old fashioned factory worker! Got lots of hats as I love them anyhow but just that little bit of hair underneath makes all the difference!
Wooly - good luck for wednesday, what time is yours, mine is 2pm - busy staring at my viens as they look feeble in my good arm and very prominent in my bad arm - typical.
HI Ladies,
I have just had a big kick in the teeth. I changed careers recently to be a teacher and got a job on a 1 year contract. I just got a letter today saying they are advertising the job as permanent so if I want me job I will have to apply. It sucks, there is another girl in my department and she has MS and was off sick loads, they just extended her contract. Has made me really think about how badly we are off financially, we were before but will be even more so now. I know there is a chance I may get the job but to be honest I’ve had problems with my head of department and I’m not sure I will want to fight for it. I feel if she has anything to do with it I’ll stand no chance of getting it. And then who else will want to employ someone who has to take loads of time off work for treatments. Although I don’t know yet how many I will need the norm is about 6 chemo every 3 weeks here which will take me into Sept/Oct then a break and possibly 5 weeks of radiotherapy 5 days a week. More than likely will mean 5 weeks off work.
It just gets better doesn’t it. Throughout all of this I have tried to be so strong, only had 1 day where the cancer thing got to me. It’s everything else which makes it hard, relationships not going well and now my job is up the left.
Sorry rant over
PS Jill where do you hail frae in the North. I live in Ballymena.
Sounds like you’re all going through the mill! I moved back to the north from London and have been trying to make a long distance relationship work for the last 5 months which hasn’t been easy. In between its been chemo followed by a mastectomy and trying to get used to the changes that my body is going through but I got my results last week and the node clearance has come back positive and I’m now waiting to find out from the onc this week exactly what that means. It annoys me so much that they continue to be vague about things even when they know that you are worried!! So now thats my rant over also.
Have any of you come across many ladies from the north on this site??
I am now Living in Northern Ireland after moving from Wirral, (near Liverpool) last May. I am 34 and have 3 children.
I was diagnosed in January 05 and ended up having mastectomy and full axilla clearance. Went on to have chemo but no rads. I now attend my check ups in Craigavon Area Hospital. I am just considering reconstruction and am trying to figure a way of fitting it into my diary between kids and horses and well just trying to have as much fun as possible. Oh and I have decided to try and grow my hair back longish after trying all the short funky and many different colours of hair do’s. Its been fun but its time for some serious hair growing now LOL!!
I hope you are all doing okay, one day at a time girls!!
Neenie, great to see you online again, hope horses ect are well. My daughter (7), had her 4th riding lesson today, im getting loads of exercise trotting with the lead rain!
Hi to Tickietockie and lisef, hope you enjoy the bank holiday.
To Leelo, ive taken note of your hotmail address and will add you.
thats awful re your job, could any of the employment of disability organisations advise you? Im a long term NHS empoyee, only perk was 6 months full pay then 6 months half pay, but the prospect of no pay drove me back to work. I personally could not work during chemo and rads, as a single parent of a 3 kids under13, i needed to sleep when they were at school. the youngest gets out at 2 and is 12 miles away. Do you have children? Even now, i really need to sleep an hour after homework and before i do dinner, we eat too late! Unfortunately the kids father is a severe manic depressive, so doesnt provide any childcare. I work 5 mornings…its enough! Another thing , check any life insurance policies/critical illness, after a bit of difficulty i got my mortgage paid off due to this awful BC, but id be bankrupt otherwise!
Hi Jill,
Apparently the education board said that the 3 1 yr temp contracts have to be advertised as permanent so there are 3 of us in the same boat. Still A ruddy great kick in the teeth but I will apply for everything that is going and if in doubt will just sub as much as is physically possible next term.
I have 3 kids, Kyle (11), Luke (8) and Abby (2). They are probably what keeps me going although I am shattered at the mo as get up for school runs and then do silly things when Abby goes for her nap but I know what you mean and I haven’t even started my treatment yet.
I went to see Jan de Vries today, he prescribed me with a couple of things which are supposed to boost my immune system to help with the chemo etc. Have to give up cows milk and cheese, basically diary products but I already knew I was slightly lactse intolerant but never did anything about it before, give up chocolate NOOOOOOO!!! But I have decided that this time I will try my best.
I miss horse riding had a couple of offers to help exercise horses just before Dx so will have to wait a while but hopefully I’ll be back into it asap.
Sorry i have just got your post! I hope you have the job situation sorted, it must be awful.
And hi to Neenie, its funny we are all animal lovers!..
lisa if i could ever help you exercise your horses, i would love too…lost confidence , but rode regarly until in was 20…but since ride several times a year…Im in Ballynahinch, Co down, but have an aunt in Ballymena! Im hoping to have the summer off ( again, but last year i was very tired due to chemo and rads) but this year hope to be ok as just having oophectomy, b ut as a nurse this is great! Btw, its very tough keeping up with kids prior to chemo never mind doing it!,I know, was going to ring Gordan Brown to say "we are the mums , who need free school dinners…3 kids=£120+ per month!!!
Btw Daughter loved Avril at odessey, and sadly cant waste a babysitter to see SATC!!, sad…but i hope you had a great nite at opening,
HI Jill,
I am grand thanks, start chemo in 2 weeks woohoo.
Actually want to start it now, get it over and done with, its the fear of the unknown that is the hard part, as everyone is different I don’t know how I’ll react.
If you are ever coming up to Ballymena let me know we could meet up for a coffee or the like.
Aww well you’ll have to wait until it is out on DVD.