32 year old mum diagnosed 22nd july 2016

Traceylois, just to say that I had a lumpectomy and SNB in May. 8 days later when results were back, I was told cancer had spread to 1 of the nodes they had tested. I then was booked in for complete node clearance. As we had a holiday in the sun already booked, surgeon gave the go ahead for me to go on holiday and delayed surgery by 2 weeks. So glad I did this. Yes, there was the odd occasion on holiday when felt overwhelmed by it, and had a secret cry, but on the whole, I put it to the back of my mind and only started to discuss it again in the day we were returning home. I made a conscious decision not to talk about it on holiday and I must say, I really did have a good time. Came back feeling healthy, bronzed and refreshed. Good luck for Friday x

Hi Sue
A totally different thread really, but do you find the supplements you take effective ? As soon as I was diagnosed my husband was dosing me up with Turmeric etc. I keep expecting to wake up with a yellow tinge! I’m open to taking anything that may help though.
Sarah x

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