As you can see from the title I am 33 years old and a mum of 4. I found quite a large hard area in my right breast and initially thought it would be nothing, but as my grandmother passed away from breast cancer I decided to get it checked out anyway after spending a couple of days at work not being able to concentrate (I’m a student midwife). I went to the GP on Wednesday who was lovely and she said she could feel a thickening and a definite lump. She said that due to my age it’ll probably be absolutely fine but referred me on 2WW to be checked. I have an appointment on 6th April which although is only 11 days away now it feels like 11 months!! Thing is I haven’t told anyone other than my best friend and a lovely midwife that I work with. I can’t face telling my mum as it’s only a week away from the anniversary of my grandmother passing 8 years ago and I haven’t told my husband because as lovely as he is, when he’s worried about something he constantly talks about it and tries to use terrible humour to mask his worry, which I’m not sure I can handle at the moment. Problem is though I keep shying away from him when he tries to give me a cuddle in bed and I’m sure it’s going to end up in a row at some point. I had planned on keeping it from him until after my appointment to save 2 weeks of worry for him, but now I’m not so sure. How did you tell your partners you had found a lump??
Hi Tiggery,
Well, thankfully you have been referred to get it properly checked, mostly it turns out to be benign changes, bc is the least likely outcome.
I think we all rend to want to protect loved ones when going through this anxiety, however, as you say your husband will sense something’s wrong & it could create distance between you.
In my case I was recalled following screening & my OH was with me throughout the whole thing & quite honestly, I needed his support. I the told other family members when I was clear about what was happening.
Obviously it’s up to you, but it maybe it will be a relief to tell him, then he can support you, he cant if he doesn’t know whats going on.
Let us know how you get on & do come here & chat whenever you need to.
ann x
Def tell your OH. And make sure you take him with you to your appointment. Although your lump could be nothing it could also be something. I’m 34 and recently diagnosed with BC 2 weeks ago . They had a pretty good idea at my first appt though and made sure my partner was called in to support me and take it all in because I certainly couldn’t.
Good luck and try not to worry. I know it’s hard. This forum is really helpful. Here if you need xx
I couldn’t have coped through the early days without the support of my husband and I know how upset he would have been had I kept it from him and gone to my appointment alone, I slept on it for a night after finding my lump then rang him after he left for work the next morning to tell him once I had made an appointment with my GP, his first question was why didn’t you tell me yesterday!?
It’s so hard to drop a possible bombshell on your loved ones but imagine how you would feel if he was keeping this from you, hopefully it will all be fine and you can both breath a huge sigh of relief! Xx Jo