35 and diagnosed yesterday

What an utterly bizarre week.  First, I get arthritis-like symptoms (which have now gone away) and now I find out I have cancer.  

It’s been 4 weeks since I saw my GP, and in that time I’ve gone from “don’t worry, it’s just a breast mouse” to “that calcification is a bit unexplainable, let’s take biopsies” to “it’s cancer and we want to operate in the next 2 weeks”.

I certainly can’t fault the level of care, or the speed with which my local Breast Clinic is acting, but my brain is in a spin!

Surely, I’m too young?  I have no other symptoms.  I don’t smoke or drink and I have a healthy lifestyle.  There’s no family history of female cancer.

But the thing that’s distracting me from my work is the wait for the operation!  I’m not nervous about that (I have impants), I trust the NHS 100%, but I want to get on with getting better… and I can’t do that until something is done about the lump!

All the stuff I’ve been idly speculating about - selling the house, changing job, planning holidays… worrying about fitting in all the social engagements - right out the window.

Sorry for the introductory ramble, but it’s nice to just write it down.


Hi Midori

Firstly, welcome to the forums, I am sure you will find it a great source of information and support.

I’m sorry to read of your diagnosis, the first few days and weeks are always difficult when coming to terms with things and getting to grips with your treatment plans, etc.

As well as the support you are receiving on the forums you might find it helpful to order the BCC resources pack. It has been specifically designed for those newly diagnosed and contains information to help you better understand your diagnosis, test results and the various treatments available. If you would like to order a copy just follow the link bellow:-


Also, do give the helpline a ring if you need any further support or information. They’re on 0808 800 6000. Open 9-5 Monday to Friday and 9-2 Saturday.

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator

Hi Midori… ramble away… we do a lot of that on here and we know how you’re feeling.


We all deal with thing a little bit differently, and different things stress us out, but we’re all in the same (or similar) boat and making the journey that none of us want to be taking.


I wish I could have your cool head about surgery… it scares me witless! I’m booked to have mastectomy, LD reconstruction and full lymph node removal on 8th July and I think they’re going to have to anaethetise me to get me beyond the hospital car park!


I had my house on the market before BC struck… sold once but the sale fell through about 10 days before I was diagnosed… and I’ve had to take it back off for the time being while I deal with this thing first. It seemed like a disaster when the sale fell through but in hindsight, it was an absolute blessing.


When BC strikes, your priorities completely change and the only things that matter are getting through this… and the wonderful people in your life who suddenly step up to the plate and help carry you through it. The lovely ladies on here are a constant source of support and inspiration too!


Hugs xx



Hello Midori
I’m so sorry that you have to be going this process but want to ensure that is not necessarily something horrible
Yesterday I post in the chat, answering to other woman that has 38 and 2 boys
I am in the same boat, since March 25. Late february I found a lamp, set a mammography and then the spin come. I was not really expecting as, as you, no history in my family and I have a very large family - 7 aunts and almost 20 cousins. Read my story, I hope it will help as is an example of almost “easy” journey
I also had implants but my surgeon was able to keep it in place with no damage at all
Almost finishing radio now and on Tamoxifen for the next 5 to 10 years
Hope you find your journey even simpler than mine
Don’t hold yourself, ask whatever you want and need. You can :slight_smile:
Take care