8 years and NED

Hi there again E,

I must say it sounds as though you are doing everything right so don’t be too hard on yourself. I had to laugh about the puppy because I went & got a cat!! I know what you mean about not wanting to go on about it to your nearest & dearest as they too want to move on & you end up feeling guilty about dragging them down again. That’s where forums like these can help, you can rant away & we all understand :slight_smile: PM me if you have a head full of bad stuff you want to share as whatever it is I’ve already been there before you. Time really does heal I promise you.

Love lbx157

Already had the cat!!!
E x

Thank you so much for this lovely light at the end of the tunnel.
Hear is to another 8 years for all of us xxx

Hi, Im only 30 so it really is very nice to hear stories from those fit and healthy many years on!

Hi, Im only 30 so it really is very nice to hear stories from those fit and healthy many years on!

Hello jbowall, Don’t know if you have just been newly diagnosed but saw your post on here whre no one has posted for months. Just to say i was first diagnosed in 1989 and am still getting on with my life and enjoying it even although I am having treatment again. Just wanted to let you know I saw your post here. Val