I promised myself I wouldn’t panic and I wouldn’t start looking on the internet but …
I’m 53 and had my ovaries removed about 6 weeks ago and was told while I was still woozy from anaesthetic that everything looked OK, no follow up needed. To precis long boring story of me trying to find out the histology results the Registrar phoned yesterday and said he didn’t have my history (family history of ovarian cancer) but ovary histology said fluid, cyst (which i knew about) piece of fallopian tube attached and lining had abnormal cells. The abnormal cells are benign. Okey dokey I thought. I’ve now made the mistake of looking up abnormal cells and read about borderline tumours …Borderline tumours are not true cancers because they rarely spread into deeper layers of tissue (invade). They are growths made up of abnormal cells which may become cancer. But most do not. They form in the covering of the ovary and usually grow in a slow and controlled way.
and I’m now panicing and don’t know what to do. Registrar said he was going to check with gynae team and he’d write but nothing to worry about. Do you think I should speak to my BC nurse or maybe my GP? I guess I can’t do anything until I’ve got the letter. Has anyone else had resul;ts like this?