advice about wigs needed

I am the same as Waitingangel in as much as I get a free wig every 6 months in my area. It comes from a specialist contracted to the hospital. We get monifilament wigs (if we want) which cost around £250. Why is it that some are free and other NHS trusts charge - surely the wig is as much a part of the treatment as anything else, certainly it helps your confidence and makes you feel better.

I’ve got ‘Cassie’ from HotHair. Looks pants in the pic on the website but I’ve had it styled by my hairdresser and it looks really good. I only got a wig so I could go out among strangers and not get funny/sympathetic looks and this was £57 (the NHS prescription charge) well spent. I can wear it all day if I need to. I was able to order in a couple in suitable colours and tried both on. Actually went for a darker shade as I looked sooo healthy in it. Once I’ve got all my makeup on and all falsies in place, I can look completely fine and normal, which makes things a lot easier to handle. Everyone who knows I wear a wig is v impressed at how natural mine looks, even though it’s only a man-made one and not even monofilament. Oh, I’ve also got a fun pink one off ebay, which is great for going to gigs etc.

Good luck!

I wonder if there isn;t somewhere we can send our “used wigs” after chemo is done? Especially as in Scotland it’s just a £5 for a good monofillament wig. It would be nice to know we could send them on to people in other areas who have to pay and don’t have the funds.
My hair should be gone in a couple of weeks, almost looking forward to it now, I have so many funky scarves to wear.
Love to all

thanks for that-I’ll do that for sure.
Have ordered a whole load of scarves and buff headgear so am looking forward to them more
Best wishes

Hi all…My name is Malcolm…My darling wife Monica sadly died Feb 2008.(cancer).I am fact finding re NHS wigs and charges.I am in a complaints proceedure with West Dorset PCT.We bought a £213 wig from them (from their supplier) less £100 ,in house voucher.But they then charged £57 prescription charge.on top.I got all our money back and bought on the high street for £135 .I have e mailed DOH,& they can’t understand why.Has any one got a story to help me please or is this just a one off.Taunton hospital do not so charge.We could have any wig over £100 ,but would have to pay ‘an upgrade charge’…but why the £57(now £59.20)

Hi there

I’ve just had my 4th chemo so all my hair gone. I was not happy or comfortable with my NHS wig so bought one on-line from Contrast Wigs. It’s a monofilament wig with streaks matching my own colour. It was so much cheaper than other websites and I absolutely love it. It’s comfortable, so easy to look after and I’ve had so many compliments I may even carry on wearing it afterwards when I have a bad hair day!


Hi ,
I got a free wig from N.H.S. no charges whatsoever. It is a Noriko wig which I love.

I love it so much that I now have a selection of colours in the same make and style. I buy them for half the price from The Wig Salon.

Like Mal I have enjoyed wearing them so much I might just carry on, it has changed what I thought would be a nightmare experience to one that isn`t bad at all. Today I am going to be bronze brown, yesterday I was blonde!! Sadly my own hair has just started to grow back a definate grey, ug!!
Take care,

Hi i had chemo from Feb to may and had a great wig from Wills wigs in Bromsgrove i had a voucher but i did buy a second wig , which cost about £80. It was a bob style with hilights, lots of people said i looked younger in it!!

They were very kind and considerate and the shop was very comfortable.

I too wear mine out , but not at home, i will be going back to work soon so will wear it until my hair is alot longer , about1/2 inch at momment.

Good luck with all the treatment


Does anyone know if you can put your “hair” up when wearing a wig? I am a police officer and whilst I don’t yet know if I will need chemo and will loose my hair I was wondering whether you can put your hair up in a wig. Whilst I may not be able to go back to front line policing immediately I do want to as soon as I am able and part of the dress requirement is that females should wear their hair up and I currently do with my own hair.


Could anyone please tell me who actually issues the NHS voucher & can everyone claim one.


Hi Mole,

If you don’t get any replies on this question, but I am almost sure you will, the helpline staff should be able to help you here. Unfortunately the lines aren’t open today but re-open in the morning at 9am until 5pm, number to call 0808 800 6000.

Jo, Facilitator

Yes you can put your hair up in fact i do every day an dfind it more realistic just do a loose pony/bun/chignon rather than pulled tight but get a monofilament wig also as way better and more realistic and rene of paris are great wigs and they have a sub section called Amore which are amazing and i truly look no different with my wig on than i did before and find them easiert to style if anything!! Trendco in Brighton (nice day out!) or Trendco in London are great and stock thes ealong with their own and a few Norikos and Sentoos and they are really helpful. I really believe if you are unhappy with you r wig its a huge shame as there are some amazing wigs out there and easily under £100 if you find one you like an dthen look it up on a seller on ebay!! Good luck…x

Hi Mole,

I got my first wig in 2002 when I was going through chemo and got the prescription from the chemo unit. I think the prescription charge was about £50 then. I hated the wig and never wore it as the cold cap stopped a lot of the hair loss and I looked like someone from Dallas in the wig.

Due to the effects of femara, my hair continued to thin and so in March of this year, I got as prescription from my GP costing £58 and purchased a fibre wig which I really love. As my bitch of a neighbour said to me “That wig really suits you, Wendy, much better than your own hair”.

I haven’t heard about vouchers. I understand that in England, we are much worse off than other parts of the country prescription and wig wise.

Wendy x

Thanks Wendy,

I have brought a wig and given it a trial run, so far no-one has noticed & one of my friends who we went out with on Friday would have deafiantly said something. I shall ask at the hospital tomorrow when I have my 1st FEC about the voucher.
As for your neighbour I take it tact isn’t her strong point.

Look after yourself

From what I have discovered everything varies from one nhs trust to another.
Macmillan ,has a good forum…check it out.I am collating info on this topic,as I have a complaint in hand.

Good news,re my complaint with Dorset County Hospital.
Quote…‘As a result of your complaint,the Finance Department have made numerous enquiries with the Department of Health,the Stragegic Health Authority and other Trusts both locally and nationally.As s result of their investigation,our wig service is being reviewed at Dorset County Hospital and new policies will be developed to ensure we offer an improved service to our clients.
In addition to this,a patient leaflet will be developed to ensure that our wig service clients are aware of the process and are fully informed of what we are able to offer them.’…end quote.
My input has been requested.
I consider this an initial success,I will keep you all posted,as I know from my late wife’s trauma hair loss is ‘a bridge too far’