not sure about that OAL ? my tumor was on the side of my boob I think its the way the rays are aimed from the two different directions my ‘bit or strip’ under my boob has gone so dark now & seemed more dried out than the reast Ill be a week post Rads tomorrow & its starting to fad a bit on the boob area but the underneath bit I can see being the last part to fade … it is strange I must admit.
LOL Julie if the neighbours are looking then shame on them AIRING it definately at night been laying with just a sheet window open fan going so mines getting alot of air
Isablyn I hope you soon start to get ontop of it & start to get relief & feel better
Just a thought, but how about doing as JulieD suggests to make sure that the area under your breast is quite dry then putting a Mepilex dressing onto the burn. The Mepilex dressings I have are 10 x10 cm (that’s 4in x 4in - in the old money) they stick on by themselves and you can leave them for a day or two depending on the amount of exudate. That way you could wear a bra as the area would be protected. I have found that very successful as I’m also one of the Droopy Breast Brigade- I don’t have burns there but the skin is quite sensitive. I have found putting a dressing corner to corner the best way, ie so that there is a “triangle above the crease and a triangle below” - finding it hard to describe what I mean. If necessary you could put two dressings on if the area is too large for one, I don’t know what other sizes they come in. Moist wound healing is the way to go these days.
I am around 3 weeks post rads now and I had the same, a nasty rash first appeared UNDER my breast where the breast meats the chest and it turned into a very sore spot. It gradually opened up and it was oozing something. I did not put cream on it because it made it worse, but I did what the rads nurs told me and put a rolled up handkerchief (not used lol), a cloth cotton one, underneath and in between the folds. This worked for me and now it has cleared up. I also washed it in simple shower gel. I thought fort one minute I was going to get an infection, but it cleared up on its own. chris
hi chrissy, I was just thinking that something on those lines might work, or muslin squares from a baby shop cut up. I think i would put them all through the washing machine with no detergent first though.
Thanks for all your helpful suggestions. As you can see from my previous post my cry for help was made in the middle of the night as I couldn’t get to sleep and I did as suggested and just spent the night lifting up my boob to the cold air of the fan. I must admit it did help and will do the same tonight. Wished I could have done it today but would have been arrested if I had wandered round Tesco with my boob in one hand and a fan in the other. lol
hi, I had burns too, mine came out about a week after having finished my radiotherapy, I had a large one under my arm, which was raw and felt like someone was dripping vinegar on it, obviously not able to use deodorant and the warm weather made it a lot worse, my GP gave me Fucibet cream (fusidic acid/betamethasone) 30g I applied it 3x a day after the first day it felt A LOT better by the third day the redness and soreness had almost completely gone, it is now not sore or red, it is worth giving it a try, it worked for me.
hope you get some relief its horrible I know, best wishes to you Liz xx
The BCC specialist clinical nursing team have looked at this thread and would advise any one having problems with burns after radiotherapy treatment to contact their radiotherapy unit for information and advice.
Hi, I to have a rads burn under my breast. I have had 3 types of cream from the hospital and doctor which didn’t work. So i started using Propolis gel last week 2-3 times a day afer washing with Simple shower gel. My wound is now a quarter of the size and healing nicely. Hope this helps. Janet x
Keep the sores covered with Mepilex dressings at all times, just cleaning it nightly wuth sterile gauze and warm water; no washes or soaps. Dab the wounds-dont wipe. Once a clean dressing is on, roll up a sheet of 20cm by 20cm Zetuvit absorbant dressing pad and then try popping a normal arm sling onto your breast and tying off round the back of the neck, but place the material that’s on the outer side of the affected breast under the armpit before tying off at the back of the neck. It’s the longer edge which goes along under the Breast. The material left flapping over the Breast can be easily twisted by its point into the material across the front of the chest, secured with string tied tightly to stop it slipping. It’s helped my mum.
That is; place the rolled up dressing over the mepilex to help seperate the best from the skin under it before placing a sling on. Someone will need to help with all this though.
I am still getting skin breakdown 7 years on - anyone else with problem? Apart from Flamazine (a burn cream which eases but not cures) GP is running out of ideas. Can anyone else help?
My armpit skin is almost black and so so sore. The rads team gave me a single poly mem dressing which while it helps stop the rubbing the products on it seem to make the skin worse. My rads team told me to see go if there is a problem now I’ve finished.
So I’ve resorted to nappy creams such as bepanthen and calendula. They seem ok but I’m wondering if a trip to the go woild be a good idea ?
It’s July last year .I ended up with an infection in skin that broke down quite badly under my boob.GP was very helpful and also sent me to see the practice nurse to get the most appropriate dressings which were Melonin dressings shiny side down .Was told to put nothing on the skin at all once it had broken down just the dressings .
The stick on dressing caused allergic reaction so just have pink foam padded things that don’t stick so strugling to keep in place, ok when bra on.
I have hardly slept last few days as so sore and breast painful inside.
I have not been given any burn cream, I will ask about that today.
I hosnestly just crying inside as though radiologist lovely they don’t see whole picture and our journeys to this stage. I am worn out yet been told skin and breast will get worse over next two weeks
Omg I’m so glad I have found this discussion. I am in so much pain from rad burns and been feeling so alone. Friday was my 19th session, my neck, underarm and breast area is all burnt, gone really dark and is peeling. I am unable to sleep with the pain, any little movement is painful. The stitches area is the worst, it’s weeping. I am also getting nerve pain / electric shocks kind of pain.
The rad nurses just told me to keep it dry, not apply any creams and just take pain killers. I went to badgers clinic yesterday but all they did was give me stronger painkillers and some dressing. The sticky tape with dressing just pulls skin off. I tried aloe Vera jelly but it just dries up and sticks. Nothing is helping, the pain is too much. I’m dreading how long this will go on for.
The new skin under the peeling areas is very red, sore and sticky.
I’m going in tomorrow for my 20th session and I will ask to see the team leader of rad consultant. I have been telling the rad nurses every day this week and I feel they don’t understand the pain as keep saying there is nothing they can do other than advise me to keep it dry, take pain killers and a dressing. They gave me a small dressing which has run out now.