About 6 months ago I started getting pain in my left breast. (I do get painful breast when I’m due on but this was different)
I went to my GP who examined me and said she could feel anything but that I had lumpy breasts anyway. She was happy to refer me for a mamogram because of family history. A few days later I got a letter from the breast clinic with a questionaire and booklet. i was told to read booklet to see if I still felt like I needed an appointment. (I did) I went to see the nurse who didn’t examine me but told me to try Evening Primose Oil and that they wouldn’t mamogram me as I’m too young (I’m 33. I felt like I was wasting her time and she really wanted to tell me not to be stupid.
Well pain is still there so a couple of weeks ago I went back to see GP as I generally don’t feel right in myself. She refered me for blood tests. They all came back clear!!
Last week I found a lump in my left breast (that wasn’t there before) so went back to see GP (saw a different one) She said that it didn’t feel like anything to worry about as I have granular breasts!! but she will refer my to the breast clinic again.
I am now worried that when I go to the clinic I will be made to feel like I’m wasting there time again.
What should I expect from them? I am in pain and the pain seems to be going under my arm now as well. The lump that I can feel wasn’t there before. Can I demand that someone examines me or mamogram/scan me.
I am not a wimp and this has been going for a long time. I just want some answers
So sorry your in such an unanswered place. It does seem to me that you do want to be told something more positive and definite to alleviate any doubts you may have - and rightly so.
I would certainly be a little more demanding to ask for all they offer to put your mind at rest. I had a very good hospital and good checking and although they did try WLE I did end up with mastectomy and very pleased I was too. Please take a list of questions with you - look at the info publications on this site - they are fab - and ask relevant questions to all your unanswered questions going around your head.
I do think the hospital have a lot of experience with this and that they try their very best to catch everything but non of us are perfect. Tell them of your fears and that you dont want sleepless nights for the next how many months in case something is there.
Good luck and please come back and let us know how your doing.
You will get a lot of support from the other users of this forum.
Don’t forget you can also talk things over with one of our Helpline staff who are either experienced nurses or specially trained workers with a personal or professional experience of breast cancer. It is open from 9.00am-5.00pm on weekdays and 9.00am- 2.00pm on Saturdays. The number is 0808 800 6000
You should go back and no you are definitely not wasting their time. I would strongly advise ringing the helpline and discussing the best approach to take with one of the helpline advisors - they’re very good on that sort of advice (among other things).
What you need is complete reassurance with an explanation if they are saying that nothing is wrong and so far you’ve not had that. I don’t think it’s too much to ask to see a Consultant and for s/he to examine you. Mammogram may not be as definitive as perhaps you think but the consultant can decide if this would be helpful. If the Consultant has any concerns I would be wanting a biopsy.
Don’t be fobbed off with cancer isn’t painful - mine was. I think you need to press upon them that you have an actual lump as well as pain. Hopefully this time you’ll get beyond the breast cancer nurse.
It may well be something benign and let’s hope so but you need that peace of mind.
I agree with Elinda - DON’T ever think you are wasting their time. I made this mistake myself, having had a lump checked a year ago and was told it was a cyst - I had never felt reassured by the consultant I saw and should have had a second opinion. I knew the lump was growing 6 months later and because I was told it was a cyst decided ‘not to bother them’ - Big mistake!! When I went to see someone else a year later my first sentance was ‘sorry to waste your time, but I wonder if you could drain this cyst’ - it turned out to be a 4.5mm grade 3 invasive ductal cancer. Ask for an examination/mammogram/ and ultrasound - you must not think you are bothering them or wasting their time.
Good Luck
I want to echo what the other ladies have said. Please persist and insist on investigation. You may be too young for mammo but you are not too young for ultrasound. I had ultrasounds in my 30’s and had benign fibroadenomas. I also have very lumpy breasts and it makes it so difficult to even feel any ‘new’ lumps. Your mind needs to be put at rest. I later developed cancer in the breast where 2 benign lumps had been removed. I didn’t even feel a lump but I did have some pain. Chances are you will be fine but you need to know that.
best wishes
Hi Mumof2girls, I agree. Mammograms are not always so successful for younger women as their breasts are more dense. But ultrasound does seem to be an alternative. I was 39 and it was ultrasound that picked up my problem, even when the mammograms were clear. See if you can get a second opinion as you are obviously worried. Have you been to a hospital yet as I am not sure where you saw the nurse who suggested Evening Primrose Oil? If not, ask if you can be referred to a hospital who deals with Breast problems. Love Val (Scottishlass)
I have received an appointment today from the Breast Clinic. It’s a different letter than I got last time and have said it could take up to 2 hours. I feel a bit better about things as it seems like that will examine this time.
Will let you know how I get on. Just a week to wait now
Hi Mumof2girls, I am so pleased to hear that you have got a new appointment. A week is not long to wait which is good. Try to write down now any questions you have to ask at your appointment. Because if I don’t I usually forget until I am coming out and the opportunity is gone. Will someone be able to go along with you to give you support? I am a mum of 2 girls too! But they are grown women now. Try and have a good weekend and let us know how you got on. Take care, love Val X
Well had my appointment today, and all is ok. Just have to try and manage the breast pain but lump is fine. i feel so releived and that a weight has been lifted.