advice needed for surgery please xxx

I have posted this on behalf of new user littlesuzie
Kind Regards
Breast Cancer Care

Hello ladies xx :slight_smile:
May I first say that I am sorry for the ordeals that so many of you have had to go through, you are all so brave and reading this site has been a huge eye opener for me.
Keep fighting xxx

I’m suzie, age 28, and I’m here because my lovely mom has just been diagnosed this month with the dreaded breast cancer in one breast. She is 62 and was diagnosed following a routine screening. My nan had breast cancer 40 years ago (in her 50’s but survived and went on to live until her 80’s) so it is in the family but has still come as a huge shock to us all. Mom is going in for a mastectomy and reconstruction using a saline implant on Oct 8th. She will also be having the good breast reduced in the same op so she can have a matching pair (well almost!). The implant will be over filled at first and then reduced a few months later but I don’t think it will need to be replaced so I presume the surgeon is using a permenant implant with a valve? They’ve not said whether any lymph nodes will need removing. She’s been told the implant is saline so that any radiotherapy won’t damage it as it would with silicone, but I don’t think she’s been told yet whether she will definately have radio or chemo. Does anybody have a rough idea of how long she may be in hospital? Is it a good thing that they will reconstruct in the same op? I read a lot of posts and information but I’ve realised that each case is so different from another, it therefore makes it quite difficult to gather relevant info!

Although I have told mom about this site she is reluctant at the moment to find out to much about it all, she doesn’t want to learn too much and worry herself unneccessarily she says she’s knows about the op and doesn’t want to know anything else at the moment.

So I’m trying to research for her so she has a rough idea what to expect after surgery and also looking to see what things she needs to take into hospital with her.
I feel like a bimbo (!) saying this on here but I had breast implants earlier in the year…
( so trivial I know compared to what my mom will go through and what so many of you ladies have gone through - please forgive me for mentioning it xxx)
… but I know extensive research and preparation helped me a great deal - ie loose fitting front fastening tops, easy to pull up trousers, moving things off high shelves at home prior to op. Obviously however mom’s surgery is a great deal more invasive than mine and her trauma much greater so I’m looking for as much info as possible so I can help her to be as prepared as possible.

Thank you for listening and good luck and best wishes to each of you having to deal with this awful disease.

suzie xxxxx

Hi Suzie. Well i have just had mastectomy and saline implant put in at same time. Sept 4th. I am 61 on Oct 7th. I went into Southend Hospital. I went in Monday operation Tues out Sunday. Operation lasted about 2 hours. I only had one breast done though and lymph nodes removed. It was also second time for me i had cancer in same breast in 1990. I had lump removed chemo and rads first time so muscle was stiff this time. Mine was a routine breast screening. Tell mum operation is no problem i was off pain killers weds. Yes you are sore and uncomfortable and the drains are a pain -in the sense kept forgeting i had them in and walked off without picking them up. I took a book and magazines in. Something to drink as tap water is not to nice warmed. Sweets to suck as hosptals are very dry places. I took some lip balm as well for same reason.Just loose cotton nighties or front fastening pjs or as i did loose top and jogging bottoms felt better in my own clothes during day. we all are different but mum will be fine tell her to get on this site and ask questions i did and it did help. We are all here to help one another. There is plenty of back up i had breast care nurse came daily also give you excercises to do. this helps get arm moving again. Will need help when she comes out but let her listen to her own body to tell her how much she can do. Good luck.Vivian

Hi suzie

I have had the saline implant and it is fine my treatment is over now until I get the real implant, it was tough at first but it does settle eventually, the things I took into hospital were moist toilet wipes as it is difficult to use your arm after op, locket type throat sweets with liquid honey in as I got sore throat from the tubes down your throat and dry cough during the op,lip balm and a night dress with front bottons all the things that Vivian has said really, oh and some biscuits and drinks to take tablets with as they can upset your tummy, oh and some moist baby wipes as sometimes the bed bath isnt forth comming and you can feel a bit hot and need to freshen up …the op isnt so bad just a nuisance with the drains that can be very uncomfortable, I had a morphine pump for when I came around but didnt use it and was out of hospital 3.5 days after the complete mastectomy and reconstruction but it just depends on the indiviual and the hospital you are in…I dont blame her for not delving sometimes a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing and makes the mind work overtime…

hope all goes well
best wishes

Thanks so much for your comments ladies :slight_smile:

Mom is in hospital now, she had her operation on monday. She has had a lot of trouble with high blood pressure and they nearly didn’t operate, but she is done now. She had to have a second operation on wednesday morning as she developed a hematoma when her drains were removed, this was also apparently due to her high blood pressure.
She is ok now but very uncomfortable from the swelling and is hoping they will let her home tomorrow. She has been lucky to wake up with an even set of breasts as there was enough skin left to fill the implant so she should only need a small top up of saline now further down the line. Also the implant she has is a permanent one, I believe only the valve has to be removed at some point, but the implant can stay in for the normal 10 yrs or so.

Just got to wait for the results of the testing now, thanks again for all the helpful comments.

suzie xxxx