Let me start by saying that if I am diagnosed with breast cancer today , the fine needle biopsy is going to be the least of my worries, many on this site have endured all sorts of proceedures and suffering.
However here I am, convinced it is all a storm in a tea cup suddenly realising that it is today I go to the clinic and need to face up to it.
You see I have a huge fear of any proceedure, getting a blood sample out of me is a nightmare, the whole waiting room hears me. On the rare occasion i manage to get myself to a dentist, the aneasthatist has to give me intravenous valium away from the chair (and even that is a performance getting the hand needle in)
So if it does turn out that I need a fine needle biopsy today can someone tell me how long i have to count betweeen the needle going in and coming out… I do have self control, and can keeep still, just cannot stop crying and screaming.
I would ask the staff there, but in my experiance people lie to reassure you. Its a small lump, about the size of a baked bean that can be felt–definately not a cyste.(spelling?)
Must be terible for you. I try and visualise what is going to happen, but with me in the scene being calm and controlled. Practice this as often as you can, especially in the waiting room. I also use breathing to get me through it. Focusing in my breath, counting my breath, 8 in pause 8 out, or what ever suits you. This can slow you down and help to stop panic mode. Then finally, I ask the nurse or doctor to let me know when the needle is about to go in. I breathe out, slowly when the needle is goin in. This minimises any pain, and by he time the breath is finished, it’s done. Then back to the breathing, concentrating on the breating. This really helps. but you need to practice before as much as you can befoehand.
Also tell you team how you are, but that you’re trying to control it. They are used to dealing with this and should also have way to help you. They give a local anaesthetic and it really works, I doidn’t feel a thing.
oh no, is the local anesthetic an injection??. Its not the pain, its the whole idea of something metal going into my body (my doctor used to by special plastic equipment to give me a smear test and i was fine with that)
well the whole thing was a nightmare. First I had a core biopsy on the main bump which apparantly is a complex cyst, local anasthetic so you are right I did not feel it, but the whole proceedure was very distressing. Then i had a needle biopsy on the node under my arm, but he said he could not give me anesthetic and i felt every single litte movement. I kept still but cried an aweful lot. In the end he refused to go on with the proceedure because I was so distressed. I was willing to go on, and I was keeping perfectly still, but he said no. If they need more results they will have to do it under general anesthetic
I think they should have a room to wait in if you are upset. It cannot have done those waiting for their scans and biopsies to see me in such a state. Crying, trembling hardly able to walk, having to be helped along by the breast nurse.
Back for the results next week. At least there will be no needles that day
Dear oldandlumpy
I agree that the whole waiting room thing is not right, that you can’t have privacy to be worried and anxious, so public isn’t it. Good luck next week X
Yeah I know that feeling too well I suffer panic attacks but what hippychic said the breathing helps so much. The clinic I go to has recently moved ito new part of the hospital so its all new but its all too white plain walls with nothing on them so if your not into reading 6 month old mags thats when you find your mind wandering & thinking the worse esp when its results.
I remember my needle biopsy & the poor nurse holding my hand ended up with nail marks I felt so embarased but she was so sweet I didn’t have anes for that only for biopsy
Have you got a Ipod I find this helps too I just put one earphone in. if I feel im having a panic I go to the loo that distracts me for a while, but they are so lovely there & you get alot of tears & ladies shaking dont ever worry about what others think … because we all been there. tears yelling all part of it
Mekala x
All the best for next week