Can anyone tell me how much hair i am likely to have 3-4 months after last chemo? And how soon after last chemo is it safe to travel abroad without risk? thank u
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Jo, Moderator
Hi I finished my last chemo last June. I went to Florida in September, I had a very short covering of hair and took my wig off in the Airport toilets. I thought if anyone stares at me I will put it back on, but nobody did! I remember this being quite a big thing for me as I am quite self conscious. I had 3 fec and 3 docetaxol, so I lost all of my hair. So by 3-4 months I had a very short “elf” style hair do! Good luck and enjoy your holiday and spoil yourself:)
Hi Lolly73…same kind of scenario for me 2 years ago. 6xFEC-T and had enough covering to go ‘hatless’ (never got on with wig!!) in October after finishing chemo in July. However, hair (still) very fine as taking AI. Went to Spain end of October that year with no ill effects, actually the sunshine did me a power of good! Go with whatever you feel happy with…take care x