Airport security - pills and body scanners!

This is a really interesting thread. I wonder if you know/or have had experience… if you are wearing wig or headscarf because of no hair, will they make you remove it to go thro security? They make you take off shoes and belts etc… I can believe scarves would need to go… BUT emotionally if that were me ( and its not yet because I havent got to that stage yet, but will I espect in a few weeks after my chemo starts) I cant imagine how Id cope.
If I am able to work, I will need to travel abroad a couple of times, so am just thinking and aniticpating what plansmight be requried.
Of course I may not be able to travel or work… but am hoping to be as normal as possible.

hi Sarah, I travelled when I had no hair, just wearing a scarf. I had no problems with that, it never occured to me to remove the scarf and I was never asked. I think if I’d been asked to remove it I would have turned around and gone back home!!! I now have hair so that’s no longer an issue for me, I can’t see you having any problems in that respect.
The thing that is concerning me most now (as I travel quite often) is going through one of the bigger airports with these new bodyscanners,having to declare wearing an external prosthesis and being subjected to a body search. Oh the joys of living with this!!

Ive travelled quite widely in the last two years, and every time I go through the full body scanner, my prosthesis is picked up, I am taken to the side by a female and I explain and theres never been a problem. I am not at all bothered by this as I’d rather they asked me than let through someone who did have something dangerous concealed in their bra.

Concerning medication, I carry all mine, including needles, with me in a small leather diabetes case, and I present it to the officers at the scan and show them my prescription before it goes through the scanner, they then give the nod to the scanner operative and Ive never had any problems, I think if you are upfront with them, you’ll never get stopped.

A useful thing I found out when in Italy recently was that most pharmacies when you are travelling will sell you prescription drugs if for any reason you lose or have yours stolen if you have your repeat prescription slip or an empty drug packet with your name on it.

I usually carry half my medication with me and half in my suitcase (needles are bulky) but my suitcase was lost and I didnt get it back for 4 days (long story, cruise, different ports) I’d run out of antidepressants and needles, but in one port I went to a pharmacy with the empty boxes and my passport and they sold me the drugs I needed quite cheaply.It certainly saves having to pay exorbitant fees to see a foreign doctor who will prescribe you what you need.

Hope you all enjoy your travels


Hi Everybody

The larger airports usually have a Fasttrack/VIP lane for security which gets a bit more privacy (never used this - just heard about it). Might be worth getting in touch with the airport before you fly to see if you can use it, if nothing else it will prove you’re not trying to smuggle anything.

Best wishes and happy hols
Lilac x

hi - I flew Birmingham to Edinburgh & back in May & not sure whether I went through a whole body scanner or not, but at both airports I was taken aside & manually frisked, and I had to take my shoes off. This never happened to me before BC & my two protheses. My husband went through with no problems & he looks far more suspicious than me! I suspected that some abnormal patterns must have been detected for me. I didn’t feel I had to ‘own’ up to false boobies - none of their business.
Interested to hear of other peoples’ experiences!


I’ve flown a few times since Dx May 2008 and not had any problems. The first time I had my wig on and no-one asked me to remove it. Went through no problem.

I am also on femara, again no problem taking them through the airport. I was caught up in the volcanic ash problem and I’d only taken a few spare tablets so ran out! Went to the pharmacia in spain, who would sell it over the counter for 170 euros. Eventually went to the local doctor, got a prescription, and got it for 2.70 euros. So worth it. No hassle.

Mal x

I flew from Manchester earlier in the year. I wear a beanie bag to balance myself out. I had heard that they show up on the body scanners so I popped in the loo just before going through security and took it out and popped it back in when I got through into the departure lounge. Just as well because I was asked to go through the full body scanner. I also keep my meds in their original boxes in my hand luggage.

I’m glad it’s not just me worrying about this! Anyway, I did phone the BCN at Manchester and she said that the internal implants are unlikely to show up on the scanner unless they’re of the Becker type which is a less usual type I think.

I decided that I’d prefer a letter with me to explain just in case. I would find it upsetting to explain verbally to a stranger that I’ve got fake boobs but it’s much easier to hand over a letter. But, guess what, my GP will charge me for a two line letter explaining that I have internal implants as a result of reconstruction following breast cancer. I suppose GPs are quite impoverished and need to make every extra £10 where they can. Hmmmmmmm.

Anyway, I’ll report back when we get back from holiday.

Hi Mummy No1 do you have copies of letters sent to your GP by Onc/PS? Could you copy a relevant on of these to take with you ‘just in case’? Jackie

meggy i last travelled out of edinburgh in May and they didnt have a full body scanner… you will know if you have to go through one because they make you empty everything out of your pockets even old snotty tissues and when you go in it you have to stop for a few moments and raise your arms above your head… it looks a bit like a shower cubicle.

mummy no1 i agree with libby that if you take once of your hospital letters stating you had breast cancer or breast surgery like the discharge letter they give you when you get out of hospital which says what op you had and what meds your on.

you may find that your BCN or surgeon would give you a letter on official hospital headed paper if you request it and usually dont have to pay for it.
