alternatives to chemo

Has anyone any experience of saying no to chemo or alternatives to it? I would be really grateful for any advice on your experience of this or research done. Thanks

After I was diagnosed, a hypochodriac relative of mines gave me a book written by an Australian woman who claimed she cured herself of cancer by coming off chemo after 2 cycles and eating an organic diet. Have to say, I really wanted to wallop this relative as she rang me up about giving me this book the day after I got out of hospital. She kept going on about all the alternative treatments Caron Keating underwent and I had to remind her she was dead! Never wanted to burn a book before, but I felt like doing it with this. My own opinion with cancer is that you should listen to the specialists who are treating you and not take any chances.

I agree with Cherub - that’s what works for me but everyone is different and I think it’s about people’s beliefs sometimes.

It’s a huge decision to make and how do you know whether you’ve made the right decision if you decide not to go down the conventional road - I wouldn’t be here now if I hadn’t.


A friend of my mum cured herself of breast cancer on her own,. She is a doctor by trade and was very mcuh involved in phytotherapy. She used things based from misletoe (which is a form of cancer). She has been cleared of cancer for 10 years.
She also told me to do exactly as I felt I should do, not to feel pressuried by anyone. I am personally a strong believer in homeopathy, but for my cancer I decided I would go through chemo as I have too little knowledge and understanding of how alternative medicine would help.


Thank you. Was asking on behalf of a friend, so will pass your comments on. Thanks again and hope you are both doing well.

It is simply not possible to cure oneself of cancer with mistletoe, homeopathy and phytotherapy. I say this on the basis of there being no scientific evidence or scientific research to suggest that they can cure cancer. I think it is very irresponsible for anyone who is a real medical doctor to claim that these ‘treatments’ can self cure cancer.

Some people may decide to decline chmeotherapy…perhaps beacuse they think the side effects are not worth the possible gains (chemotherapy can save lives, can prolong lives…but not necessarily so.) I think people should be encouraged to take informed choices about whether to accept treatments or not.

There are many irresponsible claims about ‘alternative’ cures for cancer made on the internet and elsewhere. Cazzah…please tell your friend not to believe everything she hears or reads about ‘miracle cures’ or’alternatives’.

best wishes


I am also very concerned to hear when people claim to have cured themselves. There is no cure as yet for breast cancer.

I was in remission for 10 years but it’s now come back and maybe it’s always been on the cards for me - who knows?

I have a couple of friends who have a primary diagnosis who still tell me that if I eat well, think positively, take this supplement or that supplement then I’ll be okay and my cancer will go! (they mean well but it’s like a red rag to a bull for me) - I know far more about my diagnosis than they will do unless they happen to be in a similar situation to me.

I’m also surprised that a doctor would believe that they’re cured because by the very fact that they are ‘scientists’ their background would say this, as yet, can’t be proved one way or another.

I think you’re right Sophie to be doing what you think is right for you and I wish you well.
