Always problem with low white cell count and neutrophils

Linda - you keep mentioning glucose but the issue is that very little of the sugar we eat is glucose - 90% of it is fructose. That is why energy/sports drinks are all labelled specifically as glucose drinks - all regular drinks contain fructose and a fructose drink would be useless for sport because you can’t use it for energy. We can use glucose for energy, we can’t use fructose - if you see sugar on a label for food, it will almost certainly be fructose. Fructose is horrible stuff that just makes you fat, spikes insulin levels and damages your liver - it has no nutritional value at all.

The metformin trial has already produced extremely promising results - if I remember correctly it reduced breast cancer risk in diabetic women by 56%, and is certain to get FDA approval as a breast cancer drug.

Breast cancer researchers know that elevated insulin levels are a risk for breast cancer, which is why diabetics have a much higher incidence of breast cancer. Eating sugary foods raises insulin levels - that is simply fact.

Finty i would appreiciate it if you would stop baiting for an arguement,i initally posted on this thread in response to another posters comments of “Sugar Feeds Cancer” ,people can either use the information ive provided or Not, as i have said many times on here NO ONE on this site is an expert however much they read on the internet!.

My advice for what its worth is for ALL ladies and especialy ALL NEW ladies to this site to discuss the matter with their oncs if they have any concerns over this issue for some correct factual information.
Please lets not turn this thread into another unfriendly one.

Jeeeeesee,im sorry ladies i hope the links ive put up have been of some help to you.


Cornishgirl, I understand that all cells use glucose for energy, but isn’t there a connection between the consumption of sugar and oestrogen levels?. I was under the impression that the consumption of sugar results in the production of insulin, which then prompts the production of cortisol, which in turn results in the laying down of visceral fat. In post menopausal women, the cells in this visceral fat can become oestrogen producers - which is why post menopausal women like me are given aromatase inhibitors such as Letrozole (my understanding is that the body uses aromatase in the production of oestrogen).

I agree that this thread probably wasn’t the place for a debate on sugar but it’s happened anyway.

Linda - I think you’ve made some good points on this thread with some useful links.

I also think that Finty makes an important and largely unknown point about fructose. I had always assumed that fructose was in fact the healthier option. The fact that it is in so many products is something we need to be alerted to. It’s hardly ‘baiting for an argument’ to give useful info on fructose.

Elinda x

I asked my onc - she said avoid sugar as much as possible. I have taken her advice.

While I appreciate my ‘Sugar Feeds Cancer’ statement was overly simplistic, the evidence posted here is that it is VERY prudent for women with breast cancer to seriously look at their sugar intake. Western society eats so much sugar, especially refined sugar.

So many oncs have little or no interest in diet, which is why diet is such a lively topic on these forums, so to rely on your onc is not particularly helpful advice.

I am not interested in studying up and posting links to prove my point (there are many wonderful ladies her who do that!)

To all new bc ladies who are a bit overwhelmed by all of this:

Two days ago was the first anniversary of my mx. It was my third op and I had had 7 rounds, of chemo, (the rads were yet to come) yet I look and feel FANTASTIC. I hit the dance floor until 3am this morning (alcohol-free of course), I haven’t put on weight, my skin looks great and I feel more heathy and look younger than I did before BC. The simple fact remains, scientific evidence or not, diet makes a HUGE difference!!!

p.s. Finty thanks again for your super-posting. I did not know about the fructose/glucose difference.

Hi Lemongrove,
I will PM you later if thats ok re your question,as i realy dont want to debate this issue further on here due to my past expeirences, just a bit busy at the min.
Linda x