Hi, I’m trying not to google too much so hope it’s okay to ramble away here. I went to the doctor on Friday as i felt what i thought was a lump and also the area around it felt “thicker” (couldn’t think of any other way to describe it) he felt it straight away without me telling him where it was. I got an appointment through on Saturday for breast clinic on 2nd June. It says on the letter to allow up to 3 hours. Is that normal? (Wouldn’t normally mind but I’m a single mum and falls in half term!!). My best friend has been nagging my for a few months to go to the doctors (prior to lump ) as I’ve been getting a nagging ache in my shoulder and have been utterly exhausted no matter how much sleep i get. Now i can’t help over worrying and wondering if they’re all linked?? I know the likely hood is that it’ll be this fibro something that the doctor mentioned is quite common in my age group (I’m 27) but I’m terrified and don’t want to worry the people around me, especially my mum who’s currently supporting my aunt with breast cancer.
Sorry for the ramble and dozen questions!
Hi Monica, and welcome.
are you imagining things? Well, the answer is no, you do have ‘something’ that needs checking as your doctor has also felt it…however…to imagine it is breast cancer isn’t a jump you should make right away. You are very young, and as your doctor says there are any number of benign conditions that could affect someone you’re age…and those are much more likely than BC. Of course there are young women diagnosed, but statistics are firmly on your side at 27 yo. 3 hours is usual if you are going to a ‘one stop clinic’, that is where they can examine, do a mmammogram, an ultrasound and take a biopsy if necessary. It sounds like that is where you are going; it may be that you don’t need all those checks and tests, but if you do then it saves waiting between separate appointments and having to go back a number of times. I know the worry, and waiting for your appointment is really distressing, we’ve all been there…but console yourself with the thought that you have done absolutely the right thing in getting checked, and IF ( big IF) there was anything nasty, then it could be treated early and quickly.
To be perfectly honest, the exhaustion could be unrelated. ( I am not a medic though, please note) I was diagnosed with BC and I felt fine fit and healthy, as many others do, and if you had cancer which had spread so far it was making you actually feel ill then you would have having a huge number more symptoms and serious concerns taking you for medical tests.Try not to start reading BC related articles, as even IF you did have BC everybody has such individual diagnoses that reading a few articles won’t tell you about yourself anyway.
Stay i n touch with Us here, we understand how frightening this type of thing can feel and are happy to support.
Charys x