Am I the only one who is angry about this?

Thanks for the link, elsk.

Ann x

''We will pay drug companies according to the value of new medicines,
to promote innovation, ensure better access for patients to effective drugs and improve value for money. As an interim measure, we are creating a new Cancer Drug Fund, which will operate from April 2011; this fund will support patients to get the drugs their doctors recommend ‘’…

This quote taken from the white paper link…haven’t had time to read everything in depth…what are everyone elses thoughts on this quote?

Oh by the way…emailed my local MP back again…using my own personal experience as an example as to why there proposals are not acceptable…haven’t had a reply this time!
Also mailed local Lib-Dem…no reply from him at all!

Hi Everyone, Today’s update - I e-mailed my local MP yesterday. So far no reply!!! Why am I not surprised?

Will let you know if I hear anything.

Lots of love to you all. Dianne x x x

Their lack of communication is making me angrier…don’t know about you!!
Perhaps their ignorance of being in our position leaves them unable to give sustainable answers…or perhaps they are just plain ignorant!!

Hi Karen, Probably a bit of both. The thing is that they don’t have any answers, not ones that we want to hear anyway. It’s just infuriating. Take care, lotsa love, Dianne x x x

Just had to come back on. A friend has just sent me this joke which would be hilarious if it wasn’t so true!

Sign on the Side of a Septic Tank Truck.

‘This truck is full of Political Promises’

Love, Dianne x x x

Love it lol !!! x

spot on!

I finally managed to send an e-mail to every Lib Dem MP, not just about the NHS but the fact that they are having to support every Conservative policy, regardless of whether it is against their principles.

To start with, I just got replies asking for my address, because it is against Parliamentary rules to assist people who are not their constituents. I had to reply to them all explaining that since I was writing to every one of them, I obviously did not live in all of their constituencies (and my MP is a Tory). I told them that my aim was just for them to read my views and for them to realise that many, many of their voters feel this way.

I have had a couple of proper replies, justifying their support because they have succeeded in getting some of their policies through. However, I feel that the ones they have got through are low priority compared with the complete destruction that the Tories are carrying out with the help of the Lib Dems and not worth it. Short sighted, or what!

Rant over.

Ann x

This is very worrying, particularly for us on here who have extra cause to be concerned about the NHS. We know there were problems with the existing system, but the very last thing it needs is a wholesale restructuring to an untested market model. How much time and money is that going to waste - and even if they do eventually get it to work, will it really be any better? Where’s the evidence? Is there another country using this model successfully?

And they do not have a mandate for this. It was never in their manifesto - if it’s such a good idea, why didn’t they tell us about it before the election? They didn’t get a majority of the votes, they’ve just managed to cobble together an unscruplous coalition with a party that everyone thought would have been totally opposed to anything like this, even if they guessed what the Tories might have been planning.

We ALL need to write to our MPs, even if they are Tories - even cabinet ministers. They need to know how much anger there is about this, they need to know that the public can see right through their spin, and they need to be reminded that sooner or later we will get to vote again. It was the damage to the NHS which was one of the things that levered them out of office last time - it’s likely to be one of the biggest issues come the next election.

What a fantastic thread! But why oh why are we having to waste our limited energy on fighting this government and then getting no replies to our concerns? I have been liberal all my life, but think that they have sold themselves, and us, right down the river, and for the first time in my life I feel like an angry socialist!!
I, too, was seen 3 years ago by my Gp who said she wasn’t too concerned, but referred under the 2 week rule, only to be diagnosed with large 5cm stage 3, grade 3 tumour.
What happens when we have concerns and go to GP’s now? Will they consider their budget and not bother sending us for that odd chest x-ray, or u/s, because it will cost them?
I worked in Romania for 3 months as a volunteer at an AID’s hospice, and as far as I can see, we are heading straight for their standards; their roads are in disrepair, their school building are left unfinished, and the elderly, sick, and vulnerable are left untreated and uncared for. Sound familiar?
David Cameron has finally removed the Great out of Great Britain. And to be honest, I don’t think he cares. Why should he? He can afford private education and private health care. The rich are getting richer, and tough buns to the rest of us!
I am writing to my Liberal Dem council members, but I know that I will just get the old party line again.
Do you hear them on the news when talking about cutbcaks?? Yes, we are closing this ward, making these people redundant, shutting that support centre down, BUT ITS ALL FOR THE GOOD!!!
Thank you ladies, for having the time and courage to start this thread. I thought it was just me and my OH getting so steamed up over it all!
Best wishes to you all,