No offence girls, and I do appreciate Lolly’s sentiments and comments after being off the site for a while and everyone else’s, but do you not think starting another thread about the same subject again is not adding fuel to the fire. It would appear to be over with, as you say said person has been banned, so would it not be better to let lie now. I think there has been enough said on the subject!
I agree totally with V (Horace).
Isn’t there an old saying about if you keep picking at a sore it will never heal, or something like that ha ha. Memory not fab, blame advancing dementia.
I didnt even realise exactly what the problem was it leaves a nasty taste.I know it has happened before and I dont undersand how any woman[I am assuming a woman]could do this to anyone going through bc and its attendant terrors or indeed watching a loved one go through it.I am glad it has been dealt with.
I am so sorry someone as young and lovely as you is having to cope with this dreadful disease and all it entails.
Well done for voicing your opinion with such honesty and maturity, you are an example to follow …
I look forward to being able to meet with you soon,
Yes Lolly is an angel, she is one of my best friends on facebook, and we have had many a great chat. She has this amazing sense of humour and has me in stiches. Really looking forward to meeting up with her, once shes finished her chemo.
Shes had a terribly rough time and at such a tender age and with two beautiful little babys, but always has a nice big smile on her face. I don’t know sometimes how she manages to remain so positive and cheerful, but somehow she manages. Shes lovely.
Well i have to say i did rise to the thread which was clearly slagging of my friend, i hate bullying in any shape or form and i couldnt just sit here and watch what was going on!!
I do not come here as often as i normally would have…wonder why!!! lol.
Its just a shame this site which is very supportive in many ways can have people who act in an appauling manner…
Well done to you Lolly that comment was brilliant.
Thank you Allison for being so kind. You have been a good friend to me, along with many others, and I won’t forget that. We have all got to know each other very well through facebook and Lolly is such an inspiration, and it has been a pleasure getting to know you and her.