Another Mastectomy ...why not ! :/

Hi, I had MX on left with immediate recon plus reduction on right because I was G cup and didn’t want one enormous boob (would probably fall over sideways!). My cancer was invasive lobular so slightly higher risk of getting it on the other side. My results showed atypical hyperplasia in ‘healthy’ breast and my consultant said this was ok, but have since read that means cells have changed. Half expecting it on other side and would just want to get rid of both of them. I haven’t got partner either so guess this makes a difference.

Good luck to all of you and sending healing thoughts x

Hi Lizcat, that’s really annoying! I hope they reschedule your op soon x

Hi Liz

Not been on the site for a while, sorry to hear about the op being cancelled, hope that they slot you in very soon. Still not heard from my cousins bloods so everything still up in the air.

Hugs to you all xx

Well, met with my very charming surgeon and he is happy to do a double mx next Friday, with the option of changing my mind on the morning - good get out clause. So, I think I’ll go for it. Told teenage son and daughter - obviously too much for teenage son who suddenly started talking about other things (!) but teenage daughter thought it was a good idea. Seems rather surreal at the moment.

Liz - can’t believe your hospital’s situation - so sorry for you as the waiting game is not a good one.


Saskia - that’s fantastic news and how good to have that get out clause should you need it (not that I think for one moment you will!). Roll on next Fri, eh?! Great that it can be done so quickly too.

I was soooo annoyed I sent an email explaining my basic situation and what a shambles the whole thing is (stuff seems to be coming out of the woodwork almost daily)but praising the care I’ve received to the local paper, NHS trust hq and MP. Not heard from MP but a really nice lady rang me from the trust and was genuinely sympathetic and understanding - she didn’t try to fob me off or come out with a pre-prepared speech. Then the chief reporter from the paper rang so I told her the same story and said the nice lady had rung so all credit to her. The reporter is doing a story on the whole thing anyway and is going to run my story after speaking to the trust. Hopefully, if nothing else happens, it will ensure I get my op on 15th March…

Good luck for your surgery and if you have a wobble or two, come on here and we’ll tell you you’re doing the right thing!!


Hi everyone,
I had a single Mastectomy 2 years ago and have wanted a second one ever since. I have no Cancer in the 2nd. breast but am going ahead with the second MX. I am so looking forward to having it done and reducing my risk as I worry about it returning every day. I also will be so much happier bening symetrical and choosing small prostheses. I am a DD/E cup and only 4ft 11ins. so a big boob for my build. It has been so helpful hearing everyone’s stories and hearing how you are happy living Breast Free as I’m certain I will be. Many thanks everyone xx

Had my 2nd mx in March after 2 delays (hospital’s issues not mine), surgeon did a brilliant job again and I recovered and healed really quickly. They tested the removed breast and found nothing sinister there so that was good (not expecting anything but as I have secondaries you never know…).
Asking for the 2nd mx was the best thing I ever did and I immediately felt even. No-one can tell I wear prosthesis and I have the freedom to wear them or not depending whether I feel like it and what I am doing. I told my surgeon I didn’t know whether it was all psychological or not but he said it didn’t matter as what was important was how I felt - bless him!!

Hello Ladies,

I have been looking for somewhere to write this post as it is playing on my mind. I was diagnosed in March this year and had two tumours 3.5cm and 3.9cm in my left breast with 11 of 17 lymphs affected. My initial reaction was to have both breast removed with reconstruction but my surgeon said its unreasonable to have both removed as the recovery time would be too long and there is only a 1% chance of getting cancer in my right breast. Now that I am nearing the end of chemotherapy I keep thinking is this recomendation correct? has any of you ladies been told similar reasons for not having both removed? The thought of going through the operation again terrifies me so wish i just had it done at same time. Any words of advice to put my mind at rest most welcome :slight_smile:

Hobo x

When I was first dx I was told would definitely need a mx as tumour was too big. (it was 4.5cm). I then had chemo to see if it would shrink the lump at all. Whilst discussing options with my surgeon I asked if it would make much difference to have a double mx and what the percentages and stats were etc. He said exactly the same as your surgeon, that the risk and trauma of the operation together with reconstruction was not worth it compared to the risk of recurrence. My husband also asked the surgeon straight out - “what would you recommend in this situation for your own wife” and he said exactly the same.
In the end I didn’t actually need a mx as chemo was successful and shrunk the lump to dead cells only so had a WLE and 20 rads sessions.
I trusted (and still do) trust my surgeon, and I don’t think he would recommend one thing if another was the best course of action. I had private treatment, so there were no cost implications either for him to recommend one treatment over another.
Ultimately you have to do what you are happiest with. If you are dead set on a double mx then no-one will talk you out of it. I feel very lucky that I had minimal surgery and excellent recovery. There is always the risk of recurrence whatever treatment, that it something which only fades over time in our minds.
I am coming up to my 2 year check-up and I can start to feel the nerves kicking in, but I think that is only natural with what we have gone through.

Hi Samlee,

I feel much better for reading your post. I think what set off my concerns was when I see people on the tele they all seem to have had a double mastectomy and it set me off thinking there must be a reason for this, is it cost? etc. But like you say I totally trust my surgeon and know that he wouldnt knowingly put me at risk as he was even quite upset at my case with me being young and the fact i was two weeks away from IVF. I could see tears in his eyes and he has been a surgeon for 25 years! so he will have seen all cases. He also came into the hospital every day for the 7 days i was in even the three days he was on a day off! so i have to go with what he suggested.
Its amazing how the chemotherapy works and worked wonders for you, that also makes me feel reassured that all the suffering we go through with this treatment does have an effect on the evil cells. I cant even imagine what it feels like to get to the stage your at, you must feel a sense of dread every check up i wish you all the best luck. It just never ends does it, its not like a broken leg and once its out of pot your fine, this is how some people i know seem to think of it!
Thank you again for your reassuring post

How I look at it is that every case is different and so is everybody and their feelings. You have to trust your instincts and what your consultant says and in the end do what is right for you.
Good luck with it all and take each step as it comes.xx

Everyone is different , I elected to have both off at my first diagnosis. I only regret it when I see the awfult tags they left me with and the truncal oedema. HOWEVR I would do it again. I was large buster and could not bear to have one hanging down the other side. It also means no annual mammo ans anxiety. At first I felt like a cooper’s barrel but that has settled down now.the tight feel around the scar is so much better.

I have just had a second Mastectomy (on Thursday 18th.October), I am recovering nicely and I am so relieved. I feel it is the best decision I have ever made but as I said before eveyone and every case is different. For me it has been the best thing. Good luck to everyone trying to make a decision.

Thank you to you all for this topic, I am planning to ask for second mx and since being on Tamoxifen have been prone to emotions, my husband worries that I may be fixating on a 2nd and thinking all the troubles will leave with the breast when in fact it is the drug that is running the show.
I would like to be rid of it before the cancer returns so no biopsies no node removal no conversation with the children (they are all adults but still a difficult subject) as we have had this twice now and I really don’t want it a third time.
Reading your posts has made me absolutely sure thank you all x