Good Morning. Got my diagnosis at the end of March and had the lump removed along with 14 lymph nodes on April 15th. Back to see the consultant on May 9th to be told that all lymph nodes are infected and that I need a second operation on my right breast as not all the margins were clear. Going in on May 13th.Totally gutted. Awaiting appointments for bone and CT scans to find out whether my cancer has spread. Trying to stay positive but in my mind I’m convinced the result of the scans will be bad news. Once the results of the scans come through will have appt with oncologist prior to chemo and radiotherapy. My husband is being a fantastic support to me but also worried about the effect all this is having on him. Sorry if this all sounds negative and depressing but just had to get my worries out there.
Have read quite a few forum entries but not sure what all the abbreviations mean!
I’m really sorry you are going through this. I sort of have an idea of how agonising the wait for scan results are because I was in a similar position. I was diagnosed with BC in November 2009, and had a mastectomy with lymph node clearance in January 2010. Unfortunately, 14 of 23 nodes were infected, and so I then went for a variety of scans in February, and was told on the 19th February 2010, that the cancer had spread to my bone (skull). I pray that your scans will show that your cancer has not spread, but if it has you will find a lot of information and support on this forum, and I’m always happy for you to pm me if you want any info.
Hi, Sharon, welcome to the forum. I know how you are feeling. I was diagnosed 10 March 2010, had MX and node clearance. I was convinced that my CT & bone scans would show it had spread everywhere, but they both came back clear, hope the same for you.because of the node involvement, I had to have chemo and radiotherapy. all that is behind me now and wasn’t as horrible as I had anticipated, am now almost half way through Herceptin. good luck