anxiety over when to return to work

Hi ladies,


I hope you may be able to answer my questions.

How long, on average, post your active treatment - did you return to work? Did you go back with a staged return, and if so - how long was it before you worked full time again?

I have had an mx, 6 x chemo and still on 15 x rads.

As I have some challenges with my employer, I would just like to have, albeit limited, data - as how others are managing their return to work.

As it is, I have worked through my chemo with 10 days off, 11 days working full time and now also working through rads full time. However I am due to file a claim for discrimination, as having worked the way I did (fearing for job loss, which is now just about to happen) - I am physically and mentally completely wiped out.

Being able to demonstrate (even in a very limited way and anecdotal) how others have dealt with the challenge of bc treatment, might be of help outlining that I have done everything possible to minimise the effect of my bc on my employer at a cost to my own well being.

Sue xx 

Sue you so deserve to get this resolved in your favour. I haven’t worked since diagnosis, due to nature and demands of role. I now have a fit note to start thinking about return and it will be very phased and with reasonable adjustments. Unfortunately my manager appears singularly disinterested and I’m lucky we have policy to wave under his nose, as his support hasn’t complied. It helps I have a lot of experience supporting others back to work, but it’s tough to have to do your own. I do think you have a strong case and hope you can access the legal support you need. We are all rooting for you xx

Hi Sue, I’m still in active treatment. A different manager for me than 5 years ago when I last had a return following cancer, which was very poorly managed. Determined it will be done properly this time but anxious due to last time. I am going to take leave before I return also. I work in statutory services, so luckily lots of policies that should support but difficult to challenge, without affecting relationships. You’ve got a lot of grit but it’s exhausting having to battle. I took a grievance out last time, so think there is some wariness this time!! Hope rads are going well. Just arrived for today’s xx

No 8 for me. I have a week of boosters after, so 12 to go after today. Fatigue is setting in for me and I haven’t had to do battle with chemo or work, so I’m not surprised you’re tired. Take care of you and I hope the sun is shining in East Sussex and you can enjoy some time enjoying your lovely surroundings.

Hi. Very much need your honesty Runningfree. I’m lucky I managed to swerve chemo but the Anastrazole is kicking in. I did pin my manager down to meet with me last week and have put a phased return plan to him. He’s not hit any of the targets for support, but hoping he will now access OH properly, as I think he was surprised I want to take return so slowly - similar start to yours; adding half a day each week. I’m then planning to use leave to take a day off each week for a month. Lexilou you are right about NMC. I’m with HCPC and think they’re there just to take our subs!! Take care of you first Runningfree and do ask for OH review. I do worry about my menopause mind and managing a role where we are so accountable!! Xx

Runningfree enjoy your next week, it sounds like a good plan to me. I am signed off till 22 December but have agreed I will take leave owing until mid Jan and then phase return. I’ve put forward using remaining leave to drop to 4 days each week, once I’m at full days. I’m still mid rads at the moment but felt I needed a plan to stop me worrying. Half pay now. Interestingly realising we can manage (just!) had made me think I may go to 4 days permanently. I hope you have lovely weekends planned xx

Sounds like a busy week off for you then! We are the Brady bunch, so 6 of us this week at home! Have as peaceful a week as possible xx

Sue, just wondering how you are doing - rads and work? X

Sue you are very rightly bitter and I feel
furious for you. To go through what you have and then been dealt with so heartlessly, is so unfair. I spoke with a woman yesterday who is being bullied out of her job by very foul means. I am hugely lucky to be working for a large organisation. Whilst at an individual level the support has been rubbish, having a policy to wave has helped. Reading your support and posts over the last few months, I have no doubt your business will be a success. I hope you are able to give yourself some recovery time too. At the same point as you post rads and waiting for vim and vigour to come back Xx


So sorry to read about the treatment you received from your ex-employer, it’s shocking what they have done to you.  Can I just say though that working for a large corporation is no better, I have been made redundant by a large well known IT company.  They forced me to go through my redundancy meetings while I was having my chemo.  I got the Union involved but all HR would say is “it’s legal”. They moved a lot of jobs out of the area to send to a cheaper location using university graduates.  The only thing I can say is that my terms and conditions around redundancy were good and I received a fair redundancy payment which will keep the wolf from the door for a while. It’s more the damage it does to your confidence and, like you, I feel very bitter.

Good luck in the future.

Hugs Vik x



OrangeGirl that is so appalling. Are ACAS included in the non supportive bit? After 2 years work becomes custom and practice. I feel there is a news story about this to raise awareness and to fight back. I wonder if anyone here is a journalist? Such horrible treatment should be highlighted and employers made aware of their duties and a bit of naming and shaming. Thoughts with you and we are all in those meeting rooms with you virtually cheering you on xx

Ooh that sounds like constructive dismissal. What a b****y nightmare! X

Sue. How are you and I hope work has not been affecting your recovery? X

B***** h*** and other asterisk words. A very justified outburst. That’s so rubbish and so unfair. It’s enough that the cancer process is so exhausting. I have finally met with occupational health and have a very clear report about limitations of fatigue, which makes for depressing reading. I am lucky to have policies to support me but feel for you hugely and hope you can find something and stay in your lovely bit of Sussex. I’ve just waved old school friends from Sussex off! Xx