Anxious about starting FEC in Jan :(

Thanks for the information. I suppose I can wait and see how it goes, regarding the injections. I feel like a pincushion at times as it is.


Cannot help thinking its a bizarre thing to offer young fit healthy persons the white cell boosting injections and not the older person whether fit and healthy or not…mmmm?

I got neutropenic sepsis on the last cycle but because my bloods recovered dramatically by day 14 no additional jabs deemed necessary!

My wbc struggled to get back to normal between FECs 1 and 2. 0.5 two days before FEC2. Had to go back on day of chemo for another test and just scraped through. Same thing happened between 2 and 3, but this time wbc still too low so was deferred a week and told it was the injections from now on - the sort which are every day for five days starting on day 5. They were OK - OH administered them into tummy flab - could hardly feel it. Slight low back aches for a couple of days but that was all. I’m 58 by the way - not sure where that puts me on the young/old scale for them. I’m also pretty fit. Surely everyone who needs them should get them
Actually why don’t they give them to everyone - it would probably save more money in hospital admissions and antibiotics than it costs to give them to all.
Must have worked 'cos the wbc was well up when fighting the bowel infection.

Stella xx

Perhaps they are less likely to be effective or perhaps the SEs are worse… It would be interesting to know.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons the onc told me to stay on sick leave.


Ok, so I’ve got FEC1 tomorrow… eep!

Had the hair cut and got the cosy jim jams and fluffy dressing gown to live in if/when I get hit by the lurgy.

Any last minute tips? I’m in at 11am, so should I eat something before I go?

Getting a bit nervous now…

Jane xxx

Yes, I would eat something - if there are any side effects they usually don’t arrive until a few hours after the chemo, so there is no point in not eating, and if you don’t eat you may get hungry/dizzy.
Also take a few biscuits etc in case you get hungry there, although my chemo suite was great about bringing round coffee and snacks, and had a good drinks machine (free). Most people read, munch on snacks, chat. it’s not as grim as you might imagine.
Best of luck

The general recommendation is to eat something ‘a few hours’ before the actual treatment. You will have to hang around a while, so snacks are a good idea; remember it may be past your normal lunch time before you get home. There is a theory that cold or iced drinks help mitigate the effects on the inside of your mouth and throat in the same way that the cold cap helps some people to retain hair. Books, puzzle books, someone to chat to–the more occupied you are, the less anxiety, not that there’s any way to avoid it entirely.

Drink a bit extra today and tomorrow morning, so you are well hydrated, and eat plenty of fruit and other fibre, ahem.

A supply of light snacks when you get home–having a tub of grapes, satsuma segments, apple slices, things like that really helped me, because I could just eat a couple of grapes and a slice of something and that was enough to settle the light queasiness I had. Plan on very light meals and frequent small snacks for the next few days and follow your appetite.

Good luck, I hope you get off as lightly as I did with FEC1.


I agree about the injections - so much money might be saved from infections/prolonged treatment that it would probably balance out. The Onc did say that ironically it is younger people who suffer more from the cell drop precisely because they arey are younger and therefore their body produces more naturally - meaning that if there is a drop its felt more. Who knows!

FEC1 - my advice is drink, drink, drink - anything! I was virtually sloshing by the time i got in there and continued to drink all thru the next day. Not sure if it’s just luck or because of the drink but I have not really had any SEs, not even felt sick really. Will be doing the same for FEC2.

Good luck

Good luck Jane.

Alto, loving the hair!

I was lucky enough to get on a LGFB session yesterday, it was fab. If you can’t get to one there’s a DVD and booklet you can order, think there’s a donation option and P&P about £2.50.

Here’s the link to thier new website for anyone interested:

Hope everyone has a good day, love P xxx

Hope everything goes well today Jane! Day 13 for me and feeling (pinch myself) quite good. Been out just 2 miles in car to parents house and to the cashpoint. Just normal things have really made me feel brighter. Handfuls of hair shedding so eldest daughter is on her way over with the scissors. Hope everyone is enjoying the brighter weather and feeling ok xx

Hope everyone is feeling ok
Jane i would defo agree with everyone else regarding drinking and snacks to take with you, my first fec was last Thursday and my appt was 10.30 and i got home at 3.45 (living 10 mins away from hosp), its a long day!!!
One more thing i would say is that when they put the red cocktail in ask them to put it in slowly… It really stunk me when the nurse put it in so she slowed it down more and the stinking stopped!!!
OK i have i strange question for you all Has anyone experienced a strange sensation in their hair??? I thought at first that insects where running through my hair and got oh to check…Oh and NO girlies IT IS NOT NITS!!! LOL Very strange…
Good luck for you 1st fec Jane
Hugs to everyone
Kaz xx

My head has been itching on and off for a few days and I don’t dare scratch. Nothing dramatic has happened so far, but I find a few hairs here and there. That’s my guess Kaz, that your hair follicles are protesting and getting ready to sulk.


Hee Hee, Thanks Cheryl I really hope it doesn,t go just yet i have to go to my grandads funeral next Thursday and i am reading a poem which will be hard enough with hair!!! Fingers crossed for us both
Kaz x

Take a hat just in case and hope your hair goes slowly rather than dramatically?

More seriously, I’m sorry you’ve lost your grandfather.


Thanks Cheryl thats a really good idea
Thanku for saying sorry but he was 93 and has had a really happy life and went peacefully, we will certainly be celebrating his life.

he was 93 and has had a really happy life and went peacefully, we will certainly be celebrating his life.<<

I’m glad he had a happy life and a peaceful end.


Kaz - hope the funeral goes well (hugs) xx

Hate to say it, but the scalp crawling sensation sounds a lot like your hair follicles starting to shimmy… however, don’t despair - it doesn’t ‘usually’ all come out at once/overnight… but be prepared to start shedding a little in a day or two. I only put up with mine falling for a couple of days because I couldn’t stop running my fingers through it… but once clipped, it didn’t really come out in earnest for another week - the day of my second FEC!

Sophie xx

Oh Sophie really sooo soon??? :frowning: :frowning: And there was me thinking hey kaz this is a sign its not gonna full out!!! Oh well S… happens i suppose…
Thanks Sophie
Kaz xx

Good luck Jane for your first treatment, I found the build up was worse than the actual treatment itself. All the advice on this thread says don 't wait if the after effects are causing you discomfort. There are so many anti nausea drugs etc that you just need to keep asking until they get the doses / meds right for, don’t suffer at all.

Re the White cell injection, I am lucky enough to have had it. It was 1 single dose that was injected into my stomach 24 hours after my 1st treatment. I am assuming I get it after each fec but didn’t ask. It didn’t hurt but I did get a friend who is a nurse to do it for me as i just hate injections. I am 42. I didn’ t ask about side effects but saying that my back and neck have started aching a bit today though it’s very mild, certainly no pain.

On the question of hAir, on what day roughly does it go? I am on day 9 after 1st fec. I had the cold cap and was hoping that it’s worked, but my hair does feel strange and my head gets cold ver quickly now, which never used to happen.
