Anxious about starting FEC in Jan :(

I was where you are last week, even without kids to get up, so you’re actually doing well, Sarah. Stone fruit off all kinds, not just prunes, tends to have a laxative effect, so indulge freely in whatever type takes your fancy. If fresh is too expensive, dried usually works. Ditto figs. Popcorn and sweetcorn help some people as well and raw onion is another traditional ‘remedy’, if you can tolerate it. How about beans with sweetcorn and onion for lunch or supper? Just supply the family with gas masks. :wink:

Diet alone may not do the job, but it ought to make the sachets more effective. I think suppositories are the next step.


Hi Janipi, in some ways the suede head me is more recognisable than the one with straggly patches of hair either sticking up or lying lankly across my skull. Our house isn’t warm enough to go around bald headed all day, but when the weather warms or my scalp toughens, I may ditch the coverings. It’s going to take a while before I get used to the wig.


I hope everyone is well, at least ‘as well as can be expected’ today.


Well it was a sofa day after all… Had that just stepped off a ship feeling most of the day. Feeling most pathetic.
Was a little concerned this morning as when I cleaned my teeth my lower gum was bleeding… thought I was supposed to look out for that sort of thing ? Anyway called the chemo unit as my gp wasn’t available and the nurse I spoke to was very vague. First of all said if I lived closer (I am 40 miles away) to go in for blood tests… But said don’t worry, try a softer toothbrush(I’m already using a pink Childs Disney princess one!) and go to my gp for blood tests if I’m worried. Shame that was at 12pm and the cut off for bloods is 11am… Shall keep an eye on it and see if it has stopped later.
Thankfully a kind friend is feeding the boys tonight for me so I only have to do bed time story and bed…
Fingers crossed for more energy tomorrow.
Hope everyone else bearing up alright…

hi everyone

had 2 rubbish days - mush be the crash after steroids. I didn’t get this last time - a bit of a shock really. Anyway am fighting fit today and had a great day.

Went to a friends house today who hasn’t seen me since my hair started to fall out. When i took my cap off, you could see she was physically shaken and had tears in her eyes. She went straight to the cupboard and produced a large bottle of cod liver oil. She gave it to me and said ‘that’ll sort your hair out, it works wonders that stuff’.lol Bless

Sarah my gums have bled occasionally too, but it was only slight. I think it’s only a problem if it,s alot. I just make sure i,m using plenty of the mouth wash they gave me.

Maria x

Sarah do use the mouthwash if you’ve got it as a precaution. I hope it proves to be not too serious. Otherwise rest is probably the best thing; difficult when you’ve got young children, I know. You can do more mothering from the sofa than from a hospital bed, so REST.

Maria I had a couple of really bad days this time too. I’m glad you feel better, but don’t overdo things. Are you supposed to drink the cod liver oil or rub it in? I’m curious.

I went to choir practice last night, which I enjoy so much. During the break I said ‘Is everyone ready?’ and whipped off my scarf and cap and showed everyone my shaved head. Some of the ladies suggested I wear the wig next week so they can help me decide which is best. They were sympathetic but cheerful, which was so helpful.

It’s a PICC line day today and I’m going to stand at the reception desk until I see that they have definitely registered me.


Oh dear. FEC2 is definitely worse than FEC1. Might be the Neulasta I had yesterday I suppose as that can sometimes cause nausea, but I had a bad night and now feel quite queasy. Managed two rice cakes for breakfast and only had those because I needed to take the steroid pill with food.

I think I feel a duvet day coming on…

Jane xxx

Jane I sympathise. The nurse said “You don’t want to be reading those” to the list of side effects for neulasta. Having said that I think I have recovered better than FEC 1 this time and my body feels normal. (Day 14) Even my mouth has totally recovered with no rough patches on gums. It must do us good then. Duvet days are inevitable.
A work colleague came to see me yesterday and I pulled off my hat and said “have a look at this” and she burst into tears! So unlike her, but she said it was easy to forget that I have got a scary disease and the bald head just reminded her of that. I thought she came to cheer ME up lol x
Snuggle up under those duvets if you have to. Good days do arrive eventually!

Well only a 1 hour wait to have the PICC flushed and cleaned this time, and my name was top of the list. I have been partly reassured about the bleeding–probably low platelets and so poor clotting. I can take ibuprofen for pain so long as my temperature is normal. I have also been given a sleeve to put over it–long enough to cut in two.

So with that and improving platelets, I can hope for a decent week up to FEC3 a week from today.

Take the duvet and sofa time, everyone, it will get you through to the better days.


Hi everyone

Howz everyone doing?

Cheryl i,m glad you didn’t have to wait too long to have your PICC flushed this time, nice to go and get some reasurance, but you don’t want to be there all day. Do they not know you,ve got a life lol.

Jane i hope your nausea has subsided, hopefully comfort eating can resume very soon, and you can make-up for lost time.

I,m finding the SE’S slight worse than last time, but mentally i,m coping better. It,s only now that i realise just how anxious i was feeling during fec 1.

Hope your all having good days an enjoying the weekend, love to you all

maria x

The nurse who tended my PICC said to be sure to enjoy the good days, as you tend to have fewer of them towards the end of treatment.


Hello Maria,

I’m not feeling quite so bad now thanks - still a bit queasy but my legs have stopped aching now which is a relief.

Funnily enough I feel better now that DH has clippered my remaining hair off this morning. It was so patchy and looked dreadful - more bald patches than hair and it actually made me feel physically ill just to look at myself in the mirror. Now that it’s gone both DH and my lovely son (who’s 16) both agree that I look healthier and I don’t mind looking in the mirror any more. I’ve also discovered that I have a really nicely shaped head!!!

Cheryl, the nurse was quite right - having FEC2 has made me realise how well I was feeling for the last week so I’ll definitely make the most of it when I’m feeling more like myself again. Plenty of treats will definitely be in order - think I’ll start making a list now.

Jane xxx

I feel better with a suede head than with a mess for hair, too.


My Hair looks a lot better too, now it’s short. Just a pity the rest of me doesn,t. I’ve got through 42 to years without getting spots now chemo decided to make me look like a spotty teenager. Oh well extra make up!

hi everyone

just a quick question

Are anyones veins sore. Mine are and i can’t really carry anything in that arm cos it pulls.

Thanks Maria x

Hi ladies, managed FEC 3 on thurs, FEC all done! Nearly didn’t make it as neutrophils low, but considered to be ok. Seem to have mastered the drug treatment of se’s, lanzoprazole for heartburn add in bisocodal for constipation. Rest as needed. Too bad next time it’s Tax and have no idea what too expect!
Hair all gone, using wig (a bit itchy) scarfs dangly earrings etc, eyebrows/ lashes are going, it’s really annoying when they tickle, have booked up for LGFB can’t get till late march but sure will enjoy.
DD and I off to London next week, I will catch up with BBF who was diagnosed with melanoma 2 months before my bc so that meeting will likely need tissues to hand.
Ladies enjoy the good days take as much joy as you can from life.
Best wishes to all
Pat xx

What a sofa week it’s been for me… Cannot believe how fatigued and uninterested I have been in everything…and how much tv I have watched!!
Actually managed to make it out today, family shop…always a bind even without chemo…then a promised trip to the cinema for the boys as I have been bribing them all week…they have been remarkably well behaved and good for mummy as oh works away in London so its me n them most of the week. Went to see gnomeo and Juliet, brilliant, and managed to stay awake with the help of some pic n mix!! Sadly a power cut half way through ruined the afternoon, so we’ll have to go back and watch the rest another time.
Still on the constipation sachets, 8 days on and there has been a mild improvement but I am seriously asking for some strong stuff before fec3, can’t keep doing this to my insides.
Maria, my arm is also really sore today, the nurse warned me it might be as she had such a hassle getting needle in and she said it does get tireder as each treatment goes on. Have had a warm heat pack on it tonight and that has helped. Strange it’s taken over a week to start hurting.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone xxxxxxxxx

Hi all! Glad to hear you are all up and about. I have been busy today and making the most of the few days before FEC 3.Well done Pat,no more FEC for you then. I’ve even enjoyed a couple of glasses of wine! Hope I don’t suffer for it later. I don’t know about sore veins because I have a picc line. I was persuaded to have it because they told me FEC damages veins and it would be more comfortable and covenient for treatment. I wasn’t keen at first but I don’t really notice it now. Sarah you did really well to go to the cinema. Have you tried shopping on line? Brilliant. Worth the 3.50 delivery charge. Jane glad you are improving. Start making those plans for the good days ahead.

Hi all.

Glad to see everyone is getting through though some of you have had a particularly rough time. I can empathise with Sarah, my fec2 has really knocked it out of me and I didn’t get out of the house until day 8. The fatigue was a lot worse along with the sickness. My husband had to get me extra meds on day 7. I also wonder if the chemo is worth it due to how bad it has been but I know that it is belt and braces and I have to minimise any chance of it coming back. Just the thought of fec3 makes me feel sick.

Am going to ask to see my onc to discuss what can be done to improve things for next time and I am going to insist on more/stronger anti nausea drugs next time.

On a positive still have my hair so the cold cap has worked so far. Also, I still feel very positive in general. I certainly make the most of the good weekends and really appreciate life. This is our first spring in our new house and I discovered the other day that innate snow drops all over the lawn, it really made my day!

Good luck to all of you having your next treatment In the forthcoming week.

Den42 x

Well mine could be Feb - have my first onc appt on Tues 15th then my CT scan, any advise appreciated. sooo scared of the unknown but i know good for me, i will write notes of things to ask but heard such alot re have stuff ready ie bonjela, sparking water, dark nailvarnish, anything to add… Sharxxxxx