Anxious about starting FEC in Jan :(

Saw the Senior Onc today. He said sore throat, laryngitis effect of chemo, not a problem if no fever. But he’s sending me for 2 heart tests: fairly routine repeat of echocardiogram and one for heart rate–I think this may be a 24 hour monitor or something similar–because my heart seems to race with the slightest exertion & because of dizzy spells.

They’ll either get my rads over before the holiday we booked for summer half term or start them after.

Still rather anaemic, but no worse than last time, so FEC5 can go ahead on Friday. Also still feeling rather wiped out from FEC4 most of the time.



Glad to hear the laryngitis is nothing sinister Cheryl. But you do seem to be having a hard time of it. i hope your heart test are equally not sinister and just another effect of chemo.
You should only have a max of 31 days between chemo and rads so hopefully you’ll get treatment out of way before holiday. I,m hoping this is the case because some friends have booked there wedding around my treatment dates. If i get my rads much later than anticipated i’ll have to go to wedding with 1 boob missing lol. not good.

I know your still feeling wiped out from fec 4 but your getting there and that light at the end of the tunnel must be beckoning now, and it’s nice that you,ve got something to look forward to at the end

Maria x

The Onc said if might be possible to have rads more quickly, but asked if I’d rather wait until after the holiday. I think I would prefer more rather than less recovery time before starting rads, to tell the truth, but it may depend partly on how many people they’ve got booked in at any one time.

I haven’t had any of the really terrible reactions that some have, so far, but the tiredness dizziness are pretty persistant. At least I haven’t got children or a disabled relative to look after.

I hope your treatment is finished in time for your friends’ wedding so you can just relax and enjoy it all. We really need something to look forward to at the end of it all, don’t we?


I sympathise with you and feel the same as i have been newly dialgnosed with grade 2 poss 3 with lymph node involvement. Have just commenced chemotherapy, of which I need 8 treatments. I will be having a mastectomy post chemo and then rad. I am obviously very concerned and have good and bad days, not sleeping, waking up at 3 am which is a very lonely time. I live alone but have a fantastic family to support me. My next chemo is on the 12th April and I know that I will be apprehensive again. Does it get any better, I would like to know that I am not the only one who is overly worried and stressed out. Thanks Pat

Pat, another pat here, I’ve had 5 chemo now only one to go. I live with a grown daughter but she has her own lifeband is not round much. I had my mastectectomy pre chaemo and rads start on June! I have good and bad days, must say I sleep well at night apart from the few days pre chemo. I cope by storing up the good days and try to do nice things on the days I’m well. On my bad days I veg on the settee and just hunker down, I saw my BCN and go to see the psychologist attached to the oncology service and she helps me lots. Keep reading and chatting on here it helps!

Hi Pat

Your def not the only one to be worried and stressed out on your first chemo. I think you would find that most people find it the hardest. It’s the not knowing and being constantly aware of your body. I felt like a nervous wreck on fec 1 but then found fec 2 quite easy in comparison. I wasn’t stressed because i knew what was going to happen. So yes in terms of stress it does get easier, but the SE,s get slighty worse (doable). Try not to worry too much about things Pat, you can always come here and get some support, and advice on managing SE,s. We all know what your going through. What chemo are you on? I,ve already had a mastectomy, node clearance, currently on fec 4 and will go on to have 30 rads then tamoxifen.

Good luck and hugs
Maria x

Hi Pat, as Maria said, knowing what to expect makes it better. Write down anything that is difficult or worrying and discuss it at your next appointment with the Onc. Sometimes the steroids or anti-sickness medicines can be adjusted to suit you better. If sleeplessness is a very big problem your doctor might be willing to prescribe something for that. I often find the best thing is to get up, make a warm drink and curl up with a book until I feel sleepy, but of course others might prefer to watch a DVD or listen to music.

We all have bad days physically and mentally, so it’s not just you. I think everyone has some trouble with sleeping at least at times and some people have a lot of trouble.

Please do join this or any other thread. It really helps to let things out to people who know what you’re talking about, and often someone will have a suggestion that will work for you too.

Best wishes


hi everyone

Flipping eck!!! It’s April tomorrow. Where has the time gone? I remember at the start of chemo, i just couldn’t imagine getting through treatment. And here we are, most of us will be either fec 4 ot 5 now. I must say although it,s not been a breeze it certainly hasn’t been has bad as i envisaged. (Hopefully will stay this way). There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Hope your all feeling the same as me. Maria x

Guess who has FEC5 on April Fools!

Oh god that conjures up loads of images of how the doctors could get there own back for all the moaning we do. lol x let me know if they play any tricks on you.

Maria x

Rather you than me Cheryl!

I’m 8 days post Tax 1 now, totally exhausted and still feeling pretty rough from time to time.

Just been to son’s y12 parents’ evening and needed to take my OH’s arm to get up the steps! The sympathy card didn’t work with one of his teachers though - ouch! Serious *rse kicking - let’s hope it works as it’s the one he really needs for university.

Jane xxx

Will the sympathy card work on your son?

I’m glad that part of things is behind me now.


Snap jane, I,ve just had the same with my son. I,ve gone from being ‘flirty mum’, swishing the hair and fluttering the eye lashes to ‘feel sorry for me’ with the bald head and one eyelash on either eye mum. Neither works. lol

Just got home from FEC5. It’s just as well the nurses check the anti-sickness prescription, because the wrong ones had been crossed off the list. (I double-checked what was actually in the pharmacy bag as well.)

And a book order from Amazon arrived today, so no foolery!


Aaargh - don’t believe it!

I’ve just lost half a tooth and a very large filling!! Got a nasty sharp edge in my mouth now AND they can’t see me until a week on Tuesday AND I have to get bloods done first to see if they can actually do anything. Knowing my luck it’ll develop into raging toothache over the weekend.

Am I allowed to say it’s not fair???

Jane xxx :frowning:

Of course it isn’t fair! Can they give you a temporary filling and/or something to deaden the pain? One way and another, I’d say you have had more than your fair share of SEs.


OK then. It’s not fair. There.

Luckily it isn’t hurting at the moment - I suspect the tooth is dead, thank goodness. I think I’ll get ulcers galore from the sharp bit though so I hope the dentist will at least be able to file off the edge as that wouldn’t be invasive. As long as my bloods are OK they shuld be able to do something.

I’ll definitely need to drown my sorrows tonight!

Jane xxx

I would have thought a mouth ulcer could be dangerous in itself, as well as being painful. Is there an emergency dental service you could go to? Could your GP or chemo unit refer you?


Well everything that ever aches or stings is aching and stinging, and supper is an undigested lump in my stomach, so I’m taking my ondansetron and paracetamol and hoping for a bit of sleep. I have some joints affected by osteoarthritis, which normally only bothers me when I overuse them–too much typing and mousing, for example–but a couple of finger joints are stiff and painful. Could be coincidence, I suppose.

See you in the morning ladies, and I hope it’s better for all of us.

I haven’t noticed anything from Silvershar, but then I’ve only checked occasionally. Hope you’re ok.


Things are better in the morning–the aches and pains only really kicked in late evening when the intravenous was starting to wear off. Getting to sleep and staying asleep was a problem, but finally got a few hours’ uninterrupted sleep, which makes a big difference.

I’m sure I’m suffering from lack of exercise as much as anything, but part of the time I just don’t feel secure going for walks on my own and we don’t have exercise equipment at home. I’m really looking forward to being able to go swimming again one day.

I’ve just had a thought–I know some centres offer massage sessions and the like, but would group exercise classes be useful or appealing? Something gentle, with the option of chairs where needed? I’m not thinking specifically of the arm exercises, but heart, lung, general strength and flexibility.
