Anxious about starting FEC in Jan :(

hi everyone

cheryl your right we do need a role call. I posted on the other thread to as i read you,ve not been your usual perky self, hope your feeling better.

I,m 2 days post fec 6 and feeling ok. starting rads in about 3 weeks time i think.

I gave my self an injection this morning and the bloody syringe bit came away from the needle as i was injecting ( second rate product)and i ended up with lenograstrim all over my stomach instead of inside it. I,ve still got 5 injections to go so i,m hoping this will be okay to prevent me getting any infections, i,ve done so well upto now.

I,m having to stay away from most of my family at the moment also because a few of the littlies have chicken pox. It doesn’t help the moral to be away from the people who have been keeping me afloat for the past 6 months.

love and hugs

Maria x

I hope no serious damage was done, Maria. And having to stay away from people does nothing for the morale, does it?


I’ll add to the roll call.

I’ve got my final Tax on Wednesday this week then should start Tamoxifen on 25th May and four weeks of rads on 30th May.

I’m only dipping in to the forums at the moment as I’m feeling pretty good at the moment apart from my legs (combination of steroid fluid retention and Tax badly affecting my leg muscles), so although I’m not very mobile I’m doing my best to forget about this part of my life for a few days, or at least keep it in a box for a bit.

Jane xxx

hi all

Jane i don’t blame you for wanting to get away from Bc for a few days, It will do you good. Good luck for Wednesday.

Cheryl - i don’t think much damage was done, just abit of a bruise thats all. Just hope i’ve got enough protection from infections for the next few weeks.

Maria x

It’s been relatively easy for me to stay away from people during outbreaks of sickness, physically easy that is, but it’s pretty isolating. Good luck!

We’ve had a cold, dry east wind for a few days which is drying the garden and means sitting in the sun isn’t comfortable for long, blast it.


Roll Call for the January Start FEC-ers and Tax-ers

January start date/ Last dose of Chemo!

Cheryl (CherylLT) 5th / April 22nd

Jan (Janipi) 6th/

Deb (Weena) 6th/

Maria (Mazbaz) 7th/ April 28th

(Stay Calm & Carry On) 10th/ April 28th

Janet (Jaybee46) 11th/

(Den42) 11th/

Sarah (SarahBeara) 12th/

(Peachez) 13th/

Kaz (Kazza21) 13th/

Diana (Ragamuffin) 14th/ April 30th

(Pooki) 18th/

Jane (Alto) 20th/ May 4th

(Biff) 20th/

Pat (Pattimi) ?/

Hi All “Started in January Ladies”

Apologies if I’ve missed anybody- good idea to start the roll call Cheryl – I made a list way back at the beginning of our chemo start so have put it into a table to make it easy to read. (But the lines of the table don’t want to show here-so not quite as easy to read as I anticipated) Yesterday I lost a post into cyber space so I’ve done this in word. We haven’t heard from quite a few people over the past couple of months.

Would love to hear how everybody has gone/is going. Well I hope.

Diana xx

This post does not want to do what I want it to so have to say the first date is the start and the second date is the day of the last dose of chemo. Hope it makes sense ! Hve now editted several time to correct spelling mistakes chemo brain in full swing!

Brilliant, Diana!

Let’s hope the absentees have got through so easily that they’re getting on with life and find they don’t need the support of the forum, or at least of this thread. I know some are active on other threads.


Well done Diana!

Peachez had her last one on 27th April - she posts a lot on the Dark Woods thread.

Jane xxx

Can’t believe we have all come this far! When FEC started the world was wintry cold and dark. I’m now emerging from the last TAX. Tired, sore but triumphant. Rads planning on Thursday ready for the next adventure. I always read the threads but sometimes don’t post due to lazyness and being unable to throw a sentence together. Hopefully my chemo head will gradually unscramble soon. It’s been an eventful journey that none of us planned but thanks to this site we can share the good and bad times and not feel isolated. Well done for making the roll call Diana. Bald, fat, tired and battered we may be but we are still running (just about!) to the finishing line. x

Hi All, Sorry I lost touch. Hope everyone is doing ok, and I will try to look in a bit more often as the TAX truck gets off me! PMs are welcome too!
popping in for a quick update for your roll call:

Last chemo was 27th April as Alto says (ta).

Bone density scan May 4th, Rads plannin scan May 5th

Rads due to start May 23rd, to inc collar bone area too, worrying more about Lymphodema more now having had 29 nodes removed (5 infected)and rads too. However I was advised to just use my arm normally and haven’t been doing specific exercises! Help!!

I am to start Femara (Letrozole) the same day as the Rads start.

Love to all,

P xxxx

Hi Peachez

I’ve put for you below the link to BCC’s free excercise DVD and exercise sheet. Just follow the link to order your free copy. Hope it helps.*/changeTemplate/PublicationDisplay/publicationId/159/

Jo, Facilitator

I see the Onc next week and I think I get my Arimidex prescription then. (I think that’s the one.) Then rads will be delayed until June because of a holiday we booked about a year ago (part of a 2 for 1 deal), which also gives me a little more recovery time.

Is there something good about emerging into the sunshine and longer days? Let’s just home we have a half-way decent summer when we are all able to enjoy it properly.

Let’s see: I’ll be able to watch Wimbledon live for the first time in years.


Thank you Jo BCC.


It’s great to hear from you all and know that everyone is doing ok. I don’t know about the rest of you but i,m finding i,m getting through this last bout of SE,s much better than usual, must be because i,m not worrying obout overdoing it now - i don,t care, i,ve finished. Shouldn’t speak too soon, i could fall flat on my face tomorrow.

Ding ding next round rads.

Should be getting my scan appointments through soon, anyone else? For me this is my next major hurdle, i feel i need to get these out of the way before i can start to relax a little.

Good luck to those who still have there last tax to go, thinking of you.

maria x

I gather that between bank and school holidays, a lot of appointments have been delayed. So if you don’t get a letter within a few days, it might be worth chasing up. Even if someone can just tell you when or about when, so you can plan.


Hi All-

Just added your last chemo date to the roll call Peachez - looks like you and I running the same course. Similar number of nodes removed and 5 infected - one of mine showed “extracapsular spread” hence the collar bone area to be irradiated too- then Letrozole for 5 years.

As Jan says we may be bald, fat, tired and battered but we are still “running” to the finishing line!!

Anyone else on the roll please do let us know what stage you are at.

All the best to everyone- may your side effects be few and mild and taste return to normal soon!

Diana x

Roll Call for the January Start FEC-ers and Tax-ers

January start date/ Last dose of Chemo!

Cheryl (CherylLT) 5th / April 22nd

Jan (Janipi) 6th/

Deb (Weena) 6th/

Maria (Mazbaz) 7th/ April 28th

(Stay Calm & Carry On) 10th/ April 28th

Janet (Jaybee46) 11th/

(Den42) 11th/

Sarah (SarahBeara) 12th/

(Peachez) 13th/ April 27th

Kaz (Kazza21) 13th/

Diana (Ragamuffin) 14th/ April 30th

(Pooki) 18th/

Jane (Alto) 20th/ May 4th

(Biff) 20th/

Pat (Pattimi) ?/

Moving on to the next stage now - I have my radiotherapy planning appointment today.

I’m not concerned about having the rads but unfortunately I have to go to Addenbrooke’s which is at least 70 minutes drive away (assuming no traffic problems) so it’s going to be a bit of a drag. We might actually book a hotel for a couple of nights at some point and do a bit of sightseeing as Cambridge and the area are so lovely and I’ll only be tied up for a short time each day. It would probably be cheaper than the petrol!

Jane xxx

Long drives for treatment are a definite nuisance; your plan sounds excellent, Jane. The QE has a residential unit for people who have to come a long way; you’re not on a ward and you do your own meals. I know you have kids to think about, but it might be worth asking if Addenbrooks has anything similar and if you would be able to use it towards the end when you will be feeling most tired. Or that might be the time for the overnight visits.

I’m moving on to anti-oestrogen now; my rads are being delayed because of a holiday, which gives me more time to build up some strength. I’m still a bit anaemic and get short of breath easily.

I hope a few more will let us know when they finish, but perhaps they’ve sailed through and don’t feel the need for online support anymore.



This part of the journey doesn’t feel so scary after having chemo does it? I,m going for my tattoos on fri, not been given a date for actual start of rads but i presume it wont be long after.

My son played (tuba) in Cambridge last year. It,s such a long way from here (manchester) that i’d never been before, but your right it is lovely and it’s one of those places i’d like to go back to.

Cheryl i ,ve been meaning to ask you. Is your daughter at the Royal Northern School of music.

Maria x

Added a couple more to the role call but still wondering how Jaybee46, Weena, Den42 and Kazza21 are doing.

Having a holiday pre rads sounds like a great idea Cheryl, hope the anaemia becomes a thing of the past.

Had an apt at the RT dept to sign consent and discuss treatment yesterday. I was surprised to learn that I will not have RT to my axilla because the ANC makes it un-necessary. Is that the usual treatment? I will be having 5 weeks of rads to breast, chest wall and supraclavicular fossa then a sixth week of boosters to the “tumour base” in breast. Would be interested to know how others are being treated? Have an apt tomorrow for tatoos/planning etc so will have more questions for them then.

Glad we all seem to be progressing through the treatments.

Jane I don’t envy you the travelling time to rads. I walk 10 mins, then tube 10 mins, then bus 10mins, most of my time is in the hospital waiting room with a bit at the station and bus stop.

Diana x