Anxious about starting FEC in Jan :(

Just in case anyone is puzzled, I’ve changed my user name.


Hi Mezzomamma

Does this mean you are back from your holiday?
Hope you had a great time and that you are now fully relaxed and ready to start the next stage.

What prompted the name change?

All the best.
Diana x

hi Cheryl

Hope the holiday went well. like the new name.

Maria x

Hi everyone

Not sleeping for some strange reason. Maybe letrozole?

Finished all treatement now - woohoo. Had my last rads on Monday gone. My skin has become very sore and cracked. I,ve been given special dressings because the doctor thinks that the skin is going to get worse over the next 7-10 days and will begin to weep. Don’t worry this does not happen to everyone. Think i,ve just got very weak skin.

Howz everyone else doing? You must all be nearing the end now if not already finished. Do you feel like it’s a bit of an anti-climax ? I feel like i should be doing something spectaular to celebrate but am already back at work and life seems to have got back to the normal humdrum.

Is anyone else going to do anything to celebrate?

Maria x

Hi. I’ve had my first week of rads now, which seems to be going ok. I have been waking up feeling hot during the night from time to time, but that might be the arimidex, I suppose. It’s nothing like as bad as menopause, though.

I still have swelling in my breast from the surgery, though, and I’m beginning to wonder how long it will take to go down. Apparently the rads may make it worse for a while.

Diana, I changed the name largely because I was challenged to find something more interesting, and partly because it was suggested that the old one (set up a couple of years ago when I didn’t really use the forum) might be too identifiable. I don’t really think that is a serious problem, but I was feeling inadequate in the user name department.

Now I just have to decide what to do about reapplying for my job or accepting voluntary redundancy. It depends a bit on how much the redundancy would be.
