Anxious about starting FEC in Jan :(

Very best wishes Cheryl - hope to hear how you got on soon - in the meantime, keep eating and drinking as normal, and ‘breathe’. You’ll be fine - and feeling so much less anxious once you’ve taken the first steps.

Sophie xxxxxxxxx

Re bras: I wonder if the underwire ban is more to do with the reconstruction than surgery, then? Or perhaps it’s not so good for ladies who had wle rather than mx, for some reason? Anyhow, for mx with no recon, it certainly is ok - <grin> - so anyone in that position lamenting the lack of choice, hope it’s a help! I shall have to ask my bcn next time why the differing advice - if I find anything out I’ll report back - but if anyone finds out in the meantime, let me know!!</grin>

To those who had immediate recon - I’m so glad you are happy with the boobs you got - and I think being offered immediate recon would have made a difference - I wasn’t, because of the possibility of needing rads. I know that if I do eventually opt for it, they will do both boobs - so Deb - you would match up!!! I haven’t actually asked how long post treatment I would have to wait, but that is another concern - after months off work with bc - how could I take more time off for a recon? I know my collegues would be sympathetic, and see it as a part of treatment… but do you honestly think management/pay roll would view it the same way?

Sophie xx

Re the immdiate recon, I was told as it was natural tissue being used and no implants it was fine if you needed rads after. I didn’t know about the rads till after my op and nodes were tested. My bs was originally going to reduce other boob at the same time, but then said he’d hang fire and wait and see how the new boob settled down and what size he could achieve. I had tummy tissue used so it really depends how much spare tissue you have. 2 babies later my muffin top was a pretty decent size, now I have a fab smooth flat tummy…hooray. I know what you mean about time off work. I am self employed and absolutely no way I can work for the time being. Thankfully my oh works too so we will survive somehow. The recovery time from my kind of surgery is tough, and 7 weeks post op I am still feeling rough round the edges. You certainly couldn’t even contemplate working for at least 6 weeks, no joke. If anyone was thinking bout recon, tram flap surgery is only really appropriate I think for women with large size boobs…
Best of luck today by the way, hope it all goes ok xx

I was told no immediate recon due to Rads, but suspect she may have wanted to make sure the chest wall was free of infection too due to size and position of tumour too. My BS said she’d do it 6 months after Rads, but would rather wait a year. So from the Dx that’s about 2 years.
Hope to get myself in better shape in that year, as she warned that if you loose weight the new boob will shrink too!

Cheryl, all the best today.

P xx

Thanks Sophie. I’m drinking lots this morning, plus an extra dried apricot with my muesli. Running to the loo, packing my session bag, tidying the bedroom, and checking the lists should keep me occupied. :wink:

Thanks Peachez.

Well done Cheryl - let us know how you get on xxxx

Sophie xx

Peachez - I hadn’t thought about the concern that the cancer might have spread to chest wall - that makes a lot of sense to me now, actually - as my lump was right at the top, outside edge of my left breast, and didn’t move - so there may well have been some concern there. As it is, I’m still waiting to find out if I need rads or not - at the multi-team meeting before I saw onc, it was stated that the surgery had achieved clear margins, however, when my onc. pulled up my path. report, that showed that the margins hadn’t been achieved… so she was looking into it for me to find out which was correct. If path report was right, then I will need rads.

I’ve got loads of tummy flab, courtesy of four children and a lazy arse attitude (~!), but as I had a c-section with my first child, I’m not sure I’d be eligible for the tummy tuck and boob job in one op - though I have to say, if I am eligible, losing the belly might just swing my decision!!

Sophie xx

Very impressed with M and S bras. No VAT and free delivery if you buy online. No one has ever mentioned a reconstruction to me. I’m 50 this year so I don’t think I will pursue it. New silicone boob is great. Looks better than my old one. Had a chat to GP today. he was great and assured me the surgery would help with what they could. The district nurse will be giving my injections if I can’t manage,and if s e 's are troublesome, she will contact hospital on my behalf if I need. Can’t eat much today as a bit anxious about tomorrow. Hope Cheryl has got on ok. x

Bother! post has just disappeared.

I’m back home, and not too bad so far.

BUT I had to wait 3 1/2 hours. First they said the FEC was being prepared, as they only start when you are actually in the building. Then they said it was ready, but there wasn’t a chair free, and that the problem was due to the backlog from the holidays. Grrr!

The actual treatment was ok; the E was in two big syringes and I did have a bit of discomfort which went when the nurse put a warm pad over my arm. Just a bit of light-headedness from whichever one gives you that, but not too much. I did get a funny ‘down there’ sensation from the steroid.

Now the all-important question of the loo: because they were all given by syringe (not always the case, I think), I couldn’t use the loo until the treatment had finished, so next time I will go immediately before we start whether I need to or not. And of course, the loo was occupied when I got there.

I’ve had a small helping of pasta, and don’t feel too bad–a moment of queasiness which seems to be going with a glass of water, a little light-headedness and ringing in my ears, which might just be the after-effects or stress or an over-active imagination.

I’m going to get into my nightie and take it easy, at least as easy as all the fluids will let me.

Who’s next? Deb and Maria? Good luck to you.

Hi All

Jan and Deb good luck for tomorrow, will be thinking of you -let us know how you get on.

Cheryl-sorry you were messed around a bit- hopefully next time will be better.

Maria will be thinking of you on the 7th- hope all goes well.

A little less of the “old lady” in connection with the pill boxes please, I’ve been using them for the past 12 years and I don’t think of myself as old! They are a great way to remember to take meds- I put mine out only once a week -makes life very easy. Guess I will have to buy a few more boxes to cater for the new meds.

With all the talk of reconstruction I consider myself very lucky- when I was in recovery I dreamt my surgeon came to see me and said " I’ve tidied you up a bit and scooped up some of your belly fat to fill the space". When I told her at my post op appointment she told me that it was true and not a dream. I was so stunned I didn’t ask any more questions- and of course now I have many and want to know exactly what she did. I have no abdominal scars. She also doesn’t believe in drains unless really necessary so all my psyching myself up for drains was a wasted. I’m the same size as I was pre-op.

At what point do you let them know you want to try the cold cap- do you have to say days in advance or on the first day?

Diana x

Cheryl glad your home and not feeling too bad. Am i supposed to be drinking lots now? Did you suck ice?

Janipi good luck. What time you due yours? Mine is 10am.

Re construction. If immediate recon had been offered then that would have changed things for me i think. I thought it was about a year til i could consider it but when having MX surgeon said about 2years. Dont know why. Due to my size, or lack of it i was told that an implant would be most appropriate. Think thats why i couldnt have it immediately cause they didnt know if i needed rads. I now know i do, not cause of margins cause they were clear but because total size of tumours was 4cm. Sophie i agree about time off work. It is a consideration.

Love to all

Diana i had pre chemo visit last week and she measured me up for it then but im sure you could do it on the day. XX

Deb - drink plenty after (and during, if poss) the chemo to help flush it through, to keep hydrated, (esp. if suffering at all with sickness) etc. min. 2 litres a day really - though if you get the vile mouth syndrome that I did, you’ll drink more than that anyhow!!!

Cheryl - sorry you were kept waiting around - can’t believe you weren’t able to go to the loo when you wanted - why not between syringes, I wonder? That’s mad! Glad the se’s aren’t terrible at mo, fingers crossed for you that they stay away altogether… bound to happen sometimes, after all!!! Take it easy and be kind to yourself for next week - however you feel, go with it - it will lift.

Jan and Deb - Good luck for tomorrow xxxxxx

Diana - re cold cap - as soon as poss, if I were you - it’s never too early to warn them that you want to try it - so you can get measured up, and so they have the cold caps in the freezer for you. Also, cold cap means you spend longer on the chemo unit (as you need cap on before chemo begins, and for a little while after it ends), so they need to be able to pencil you in for long enough!! Give the chemo ward a ring, they’ll point you in the right direction as to who you need to speak to. Good luck

Sophie xx

Thanks for support everyone! Mines at 9am Deb, so shall have to start out 7.30 ish. I think I put down for the cold cap but have changed my mind so it could be late starting. I’ve packed a bag with bottles of water, cartons of juice, ginger biscuits and ritz biscuits, things to nibble. Shall try to drink loads but I’m not a morning person when it comes to food and drink. Really scared of sickness but have managed to resign myself to it all. What will be will be. Good luck to all and let’s all try and keep these S E’s at bay if we can. xx Jan

Derrrr silly me. Yes diana sophie is right. You will need an extended visit if you want it. Think they said 45mins before the cocktails and 2hours after. Think im looking forward to that least of all. Can imagine it coming off after 10mins. Its -5 they told me. Am i mad to consider it?! Yes i think so. Ive got head ache thinking about it.


I havent packed a thing. Will they not provide water or are we supposed to take our own? Sophie what did you do? Dont know what to take. XX

Well done Cheryl, all the best Jan and Deb. Thinking of you all. Pxxx

Deb - my chemo ward is fab - there are free cold drinks (you can give a donation), tea/coffee facilities on the ward itself, biscuits/crisps etc in a basket - all for the taking. I didn’t eat a thing first chemo, as I’d had a PICC fitted just beforehand and wasn’t allowed to eat breakfast before that was done - thought I’d have time to kill between PICC and chemo, but got whisked straight through, and was then so nervous I couldn’t have eaten a thing! Drank lots of tea during, though, and my OH was glad of the biscuits…

I would take some of your own stuff, though, as you may not find your ward is as well prepared/accommodating. If it is, then you’ll know for the second one.

Other than that - sweets to suck if your mouth goes dry/tastes funny are good - pear drops or similar. Comfy clothes (layers are best), someone to talk to, or a magazine… and don’t forget change for the parking meters!

Jan - I had very, very little nausea, so you may also be fortunate enough to avoid it. I wasn’t sick at all, not even close, and just had the odd wave of nausea that disappeared fast. Just keep taking the meds, take the steroids early in the day (before 2pm is best) so they don’t keep you awake, and hang on in there.

Sophie xxxx

Thanks Sophie. And just in case for some bizzare reason i dont get on here tommorrow (turn into a human icecube from cold cap perhaps!!!) then good luck for friday. I hope SE’s are as kind as last time for you.

Deb XX