Any A Inhibitor create less joint pain than Arimidex?

Scunnered. Really had enough of constant pain and lack of adequate releif as chemo knackered my stomach and I can’t take anti-inflammatories, even on Omeprazole.
Has anyone changed from Arimidex to either of the other two and did they notice any improvement in the pain and stiffness?

Yes I changed to Aromasin and I no longer have any joint pain or stiffness. I know that this isn’t the case for some others who are on Aromasin, because we all react differently. But I can now spend 2 hours a day at the gym and this has also helped me to lose 3 and half stones in weight so I feel like a new person.

I didn’t even have to ask to change, it was suggested to me when I reported the awful joint pain and stiffness. Mind you, now I don’t have any pain, I wonder whether it is working!!
All the best

Thanks a lot for that Annie!

I should have said in the original post that I wanted to hear good and bad reults so if anyone out there has a different experience, please post!

Hi girls
I was put on Arimidex last year, but it didnt control the tumours, I dont remember having any bad S/E’s on it. Was then changed to Aromasin and had the most awful pain and stiffness in my feet and hands, this impacted quite badly on my daily life. When I told the Onc about it she changed me to Letrazole (Femara), pains are not quite as bad, but still impact on daily life. Things are much worse first thing in the morning and I cant really get going till I’ve done some exercises with my hands. Once I’ve got going I can usually manage most things, but once I sit down and relax they seize up again. I’m going to keep going like this till I get the results of my next body scan, because if they are working I’ll happily put up with the S/E’s.
If the pills aren’t working I dont know what they put you on next, because for me that will be all 3 of the AI’s.