hi , i was diagnosed in june 2007 grade 3 her2+, i had 8 chemo, wle,radiotherapy and 18 herceptin, finished herceptin march 2009 this year everything great , great results, no evidence of spread, unil i have had a pain in my side for a few weeks had an ultrasound and they have found 2 large secondarys on my liver,i have a ct scan on monday and bone scan next thursday to determine any further spread, they have said it will be more chemo and hercepin, i am terrified of the results, i am 39 with 2 young children and a lovely husband x
Hi GB so sorry to read your news ,i had bc 17yrs ago age 37 ,and in aug this year was diagnosed with secondarys in liver and lungs ,i have my last chemo next thurs am on taxotere and herceptin ,will carry on with herceptin and hormones , i got scanned half way through the chemo with good results ,tumours had shrunk in both places ,i think its the unknown thats scary ,when you know what your dealing with and get given a treatment plan ,although still daunting at least somthings been done .Thinking of you take care ,and fingers crossed for good results from your next scan luv barb xx
I am sorry to read of your recent diagnosis. As well as the support and information you receive from the other forum users you may find the BCC fact sheet ‘secondary breast cancer in the liver’ helpful. It describes some of the possible symptoms and treatments used and hopefuly it will answer some of your questions and help you to discuss your options with your specialist team. If you would like a copy or to read this on line just follow this link:-
I hope you find this helpful.
Kind regards
Sam (BCC Facilitator)
Hi GB,
I am sorry to read of your recent diagnoses, Its quiet an emotional time of year without news like that.
I have a very good friend who has been on Herceptin now for over 4 years now and is still NED (no evidence of disease).
I wish you the same result,
I was dx in July 07 with bc and liver mets at the same time. I was 39 at the time and my kids were only 3 and 8 months. I had chemo from aug 07 to nov 07 and then went onto herceptin in Dec 07. I was on herceptin for 2 years, but am now also on xeloda as there has been some slight activity last few months.
During my time on herceptin and following my chemo , my tumours shrunk significantly and only 2 were visible on scans for last year, but very small.
Herceptin was very doable, no side effects for me really, apart from tiredness, but think that is down to my children too.
I hope that they get you on a good treatment plan, and that your tumours respond well.
Take care and lots of love
Hi GB, I was aged 39 when I was originally diagnosed in 1989 and my kids were 7 and 14. I was diagnosed with bone mets ten years later in 1999 and thought that my life was at an end. Ten years on and I am still around. I have recently finished a course of chemo and am on some new cancer drugs now. But I am doing well. A Nurse asked me to verify my date of birth today and I mentioned I would be 60 soon. She asked me how I felt about reaching pension age. I told her I was over the moon because I never thought I would see my girls grow up never mind reach 60. I am still here and life is still good ( though tough at times I will admit). Keep in touch and let us know how your scans go. If you want any info about the scans or are worried about anything send me a PM anythime. Love Val XX
So sorry about your news. I’m not surprised you’re terrified. And that won’t be all that’s crowding out your thoughts at the moment. We’ve all been there. For myself, it has got easier to bear over time, although I do still get dark moments/days when I really confront the reality of the situation I’m in. But you’re still in that horrible place where you don’t know what you’re dealing with.
I don’t have liver mets, but I do have bone mets and I’ve a daughter who was 3 last week (I’m now mid 40s, but was 37 when originally dx’d). I had taxotere & herceptin aug-dec last year and am continuing with the herceptin. So far, it’s keeping everything stable.
I wish you the very best of luck with your scan results next week.
Alison x
thank you so much for your replies, i think its my her2 status , thats freaking me out a bit, but i think if herceptin has worked once it will work again,
love galen x
Hi Galen,
I’m sorry you only got one reply to your earlier post - glad you tried again. Sometimes they just get ‘lost’ way down the page.
I’m so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I was diagnosed with primary BC and liver secondaries in March 07, age 44, 3 kids, one still at primary age. I had Taxol chemo and they found i was HER2 positive so i started on herceptin too. Since the chemo ended I’ve been on tamoxifen (I’m hormone positive too) and herceptin, that’s two years ago and I’m still doing well and no evidence of disease. My Onc always tells me about one of his first patients who went on Herceptin and is still doing well 8 years on, so there is some hope.
It’s a terrifying time for you, but as others have said, it really makes a difference and becomes more manageable once you have a treatment plan in place. Some of the blind panic subsides and you have something to focus on.
I know how you feel about your children, and thinking you won’t be there for them and that’s the hardest part, but you are lucky to have a lovely husband, so stick togethr, you will get through this together.
Let us know how you get on - when will you get your results?
love jacquie x
hi jacquie, thank you so mch for your reply, i am having a ct scan today at 1.15 i am absolutely terrified its going to show up something else but im trying hard not to think about it because my head is pounding!! i also have a bone scan on thursday and i see the oncologist on friday for the results, i am ringing m doc this morning to see if he can keep looking for the results and hopefully cut down the waiting time, will let you know how it goes
galen x
I will be having a heart scan on Thurs so will think of you as I lie there all radioactive…
Keep us posted
Hugs for today
Jacquie x
Hi GB, I too am so sorry about your diagnosis, it hits you so hard when you are being so positive. I got breast cancer in May 2000 and then in the bones 2 years later and in the liver Jan this year. I couldnt have Herceptin because of the HER2 (sorry not sure what i am positive or negative - i have it written somewhere!!) I’ve had the 3 lots of chemo now and feel really well, and looking forward to my 50th Birthday in March (having a great big party)!
I just wanted to say just try to be strong if you can and try to get some hope from other like me and others like ScottishLass who really are the proof that there can be a life after breast cancer. I am probably not puting this very good, I’m not so good with words thats why I don’t post often!
I really hope your scan went ok today, my thoughts are with you, and as others have said if you want to know anything I will do my best to help you.
Love DebsHx
p.s. good luck with your heart scan too, Jacquie x
thank you so much for your replies, my doctor rang yesterday and he is going to look out for my results and let me know before friday, i am terrified of the phone ringing, please keep your positivity coming you have made an amazing difference and it helps me so much
galen xx
Hi Galen
hope you get results quickly and they are as good as they can be - I have mets in lymph, bones and liver - all multiples - Diagnosed in september 2008 - taxol kept things at bay for a while and now on xoelda - you must be in a state of shock but give yourself some time - the women on here are really supportive…take care , Jayne
I have recently been diagnosed with bone mets and the reality of it is just hitting me. I suppose it’s the time of year. I look at my four beautiful sons, the youngest being 3, and despite ‘living for the day’ and ‘being in the moment’ I still find myself somewhere far away crying deeply for what will come one day. I have, however, found reading all these posts encouraging. I love the fact that several of you have survived YEARS! I find it inspiring and it motivates me to fight more. Thank you! Galen, I hope you have found strength through these stories too. We will have to be ‘strong’ and ‘courageous’ together! Lots of love to you, Lora Lee xxx
Hi Loralee, I am sorry you are having to deal with all this when you have four beautiful sons to care for and deal with Xmas too.
I too remember the crying and shock of it all and although I am coping well now, I will NEVER forget how awful it was dealing with my first diagnosis, then 10 years on, dealing with it again when I thought I had got through the worst. I cried in bed until I could cry no more but I think the crying did me good in some ways. I do have a loving and caring husband and he has been so supportive through both it all. When I found I had bone mets it was the year from HELL. My mother-in-law died suddenly in January, in May while in Italy we got told that my father-in-law had died unexpectantly, in August my husband’s aunt died. I was having numerous tests done and found that it wasn’t something simple but bone mets all over my body. I remember my elder daughter was working in Brittany and I couldn’t bear the thought of telling her over the phone that the news was not good. I was VERY UNWELL at the time but we borrowed my Dad’s camper van and drove down to tell her…I thought that if she saw how well I LOOKED it wouldn’t scare her so much. I remember lying flat in the bed on the van, reading and drinking a G and T while OH did ALL the driving…an image I keep thinking about with laughter. Why I am telling you all this? Because although I am coping extremely well with it all NOW, I remember just how awful it feels at the start when you think you are at the end of your life. It needn’t be, and I just want to let others know that life can go on after the original diagnosis. I do realise that things can change at any time, but right at this moment, BC does NOT dwell on my mind 24/7 as it did then…I can even forget all about it…some days. I hope all of you girls with children around have the joy of seeing them grow up…just like I have done. Love Val (Scottishlass)>
Hi Ladies, - Loralee, I too got diagnosed with bone mets in June midway through chemo and was panic stricken - I am a single mum with a 10 year old boy - but I am coping with it well - presently take one tab a day (Bondronat)- the onc told me if it gets worse the hot spots can be zapped with rads and I feel very optimistic for the future - and as you say - there are LOADS of ladies on here living with mets for many years. A very senior oncologist told me I would see my grandchildren - perhaps he didnt realise I had my son late and he is only 10 (LOL)- I am 49 and could easily be a grandma by now but I took the positives from that. In November I was told there was no further spread and tumor markers were zero and to go back in March so Im going to have the best Christmas EVER - all the best to everyone xx
Hi Debonair, Just to say well done and glad you got through the year with such a happy ending. I am glad you will be able to celebrate this Christmas with your son. Make it a Christmas to remember…you both deserve it. LOve Val XX
hi everybody
my doc has just rung with results from my ct , they have fond there are 3 tumours on my liver as well as 2 cysts!! but no evidence of further spread looks like contained to liver, there were 3 raised glands in neck and a 4mm nodule on my lung but these look insignificant, i actually feel a little calmer now i know, i have managed a bit of tea! i am going for a bone scan tomorrow and see the oncologist friday to discuss starting chemo, thank you so much for all your support and advice i could not have got throgh these few days without your promising messages, will keep you updated and yes lora lee we ill be brave together x
lots of love galen x
Hi GB, Sorry to hear about your results. I see you have a bone scan tomorrow. I don’t know if you have had one before but it is one of the “easist” scans for a patient, to have. If you have any questions feel free to ask me. I see yu wanted to add me on as a contact. That is fine by me. Let me knw how the next bit of your tests go. Love Val