anybody get very lumpy round scar with rads

hi I’m having rads at the mo i have had 15 out of 20 but I’m really worried as my scar area has gone very lumpy!!! has anyone else had this happen. the nurse says its just the effect of the rads but obviously I’m scared its a recurrence . xx

Hi Lisha

I can totally understand your concern. I had a similar feeling during rads and then for some time afterwards. I had my initial surgery last September and I can honestly say that it is only in the last couple of weeks that my breast has begun to feel anything like a ‘normal breast’. Still a little lumpy on scar line but have had my first mammo and had a scan too and told everything looking fine. Lumpy scar tissue which is unfortunate but not unusual. Please speak to your bcn and get some extra reassurance from her. Take care. J.

Thanks for your reply jaynek. Glad to hear you are doing better now xx

Hi Lisa,

J is right, any concerns and speak to your nurse. I finished RADS a month ago and my scars became much lumpier. The SLN one has settled down really well but my WLE is very, very lumpy. It’s sore again now too so will check it out with my ONC in Jan, but I’m sure it’ll heal well in its own time!

Take care x

Hello Lisha

yes, my WLE scar became hard and lumpy when I had rads and the hardness took quite a while to go.

every time I had an ultrasound the radiologist used to comment on the ‘large amount of radiotherapy damage’.

if it’s worrying you, then best to get it checked out.

Anthi x

Yes, me too, hard swollen and lumpy mx scar. It got worse after the treatment finished and then it is very slowly subsiding after months, so I would ask about it, as they should really give you more information. K x

Hi everyone thanks for all your replies.I was sent to my radiology specialist today for her to check out my lump and was told it was scar tissue. Its a really scarey place to be when you start feeling new lumps so it was a huge relief to be told all was ok. Hope you are all doing well now and thanks again for the advice xx