I have 3 boosters left to do and ‘officially’ finish my treatment on Tuesday 16th. I am triple negative and therefore have no more treatment to do. I’m all on my own from then - very scary
I have 3 boosters left to do and ‘officially’ finish my treatment on Tuesday 16th. I am triple negative and therefore have no more treatment to do. I’m all on my own from then - very scary
I so understand your fear, half way thru the rads I was terrified, however, now that I have finished rads I feel like I am getting on with my life, by not going to hospital has made me forget. Forgetting is such bliss. I hope this is the same for you. Remember, chances are you are cancer free now as the rads was a back up.
we are always here,
Hi all (especially cottoneyejoe!)
Good to hear all your comments. You seem so well informed! Maybe I’m a coward but I really don’t know what dose I’m getting (except for the fact that I’m on a trial and receiving more targeted radio, and therefore a smaller area is being treated) and never felt like asking. I’m on the home run now, just 3 sessions left. Glad it’s not just me feeling so tired, thought it could have been the journey (60 miles round trip, but thank goodness I’m not driving, as it’s pretty much motorway all the way, and boy are those lorries big!). Looking forward to getting back to normality and stop thinking of myself as a cancer patient - not that I do much really, it’s when people ask how you are with ‘that special look’. Don’t know about anyone else, but can’t get used to being in that role. Anyway, good luck all. I think you’re amazing!!
Hi Guardianangel
Had my 18th out of 20 rads session this morning and saw my onc too. I mentioned that I’d be on my own from Tuesday but she assured me that the are still there if I need them! I will have a checkup in approx 6 weeks and if I feel I need to see them before, I am very welcome to call them at any time.
Feel loads better!
Holiday next week and thank goodness I have booked with Thompson and not XL. I really feel for those who have lost their holiday… But everyone has got on the bandwaggon now. I have just checked Thompson’s site for the exact same holiday as I booked in March:
2 adults and 1 child, half board to Ibiza cost me £634 for a week…the rip off company is now charging £1800 for the same. How can they do that?
anyway…rant over!
Hope everyone has a good weekend
I finished treatment 1 week ago and now my skin is starting to get very itchy and tender - anyone else the same?