Anybody Veggie?

I hope you enjoy the Ezo Gelin, It,s my comfort food, the only thing I,ll eat when I,m not well especially after chemo.
It feezes a treat, but don,t worry if it “separates”, when you heat it up it blends back together again.

The Gypsy Soup sounds lovely but as I can,t get celery nor sweet potatoes here, I,ll have to improvise. I know, I know, you,re thinking “Can,t get swede, parsnips, celery nor sweet potatoes. What CAN you get?” LOL It was only about 6 years ago that we started getting cauliflower and brocolli!!

Soo x

Hi All,

Im vegan - 39 years. all four children vegan too - eldest is 25.

On the recipes front, Im really sorry but Im an awful cook, it just kind of gets thrown together!!!

I’ve been a veggie since 1982. Vegan since had breast cancer although I didn’t eat that much milk products anyway.

I bought a copy of ‘the Single Vegan’ which my (ex!) said was a self-fulfilling prophecy!

Tonight - falafel with pita bread, very hot tomato sauce and a soup made of onion, garlic, celery, carrot, peppers, chick peas, tomatoes & loads of spices.

Tomorrow - Swedish cabbage soup which is yum, compared to any other cabbage soup I’ve ever tried. (think the secret is caraway seeds).

Soo, where are you? We’ve only had bell peppers since the early eighties in UK.


Hi Leti
I live in a very small tourist resort in Turkey.

Ooh I love Falafel, you have reminded me to make it for myself!!
I know I should give up dairy produce but I keep thinking if I must give this and that up etc, what is there left to enjoy?? I don,t smoke, have wine now and again, don,t eat meat nor fish, so what is there left??

Soo xx

Hi everyone,
any advice on where to find good veggie recipes,I am to put it mildly culinarily challenged,grew up eating plenty of meat and not enough veggies,now I am not vegetarian but enjoy eating more vegetable dishes,if only I knew how to cook them Since BC have realised how important a healthy diet is .I am also an expat,living in Malaysia,plenty of good fruits and vegetables available but not always the same ones as in the UK.I also love falafel but haven’t a clue how to make it !!!guess I should do some research online

thanks Cat really appreciate it, here’s to healthier cooking in the future,also helps to keep my mind off BC for a while,knowing I am taking steps to fight it any way I can .I noticed I feel a lot better when I eat less meat so this is definitely the way to go for me

Hi Laura - in a rush at the moment - but yes, lots good recipes online - the Vegetarian Society has a recipe section as do other groups and they do a fair amount of far eastern cookery too. There’s a Far Eastern cookbook by Madhur Jaffrey that has lots of veggie recipes - I have loads of cookbooks so can help you out if you’d like to say what things you especially like. I think the cuisines in the East already demonstrate that you don’t need as much protein as we have come to believe in the West. I’m pretty sure all of the people reading this thread would share recipes too.

What sorts of dishes do you tend to like? And what are your fave foods available over there? Will see what we can come up with :-))

There’s also a lot of good information on in the healthy living section there’s a veggie section where they often talk about books and specific recipes, even a thread which describes what people are having for supper which I’ve found inspirational in the past :slight_smile:

enjoy :slight_smile: and all the best,

Hi Caro and Cat,
thanks for your help,I made some falafel today ,delicious,I prepared enough for two meals cause it takes some time to prepare everything,then just kept some mixture in the fridge for the next time.
I am allergic to dairy products and nuts so I find my diet a bit limited at times,eating out is also difficult because there is often some 'hidden"milk product which even the chef may not realise,eg in gravies or sauces,.Even the local instant coconut milk has cows milk protein in it !
I think it’s true that we have a false idea of how much protein we need ,and we have been taught that we need meat.Now I have to re-educate myself about what foods are best for my body.I’ll spend some time checking out the sites you told me about,and do some experimenting(thank goodness for the school holidays,I have some time free)

Hi All
If anyone would like some recipes, veggie or othewise I have loads. I,ve had a couple of restaurants here in Turkey before the dreaded bc forced me to give it up. I,ve also some really good Indian recipes.
Just to give some examples:-
Lots of Soup recipes
Feta and Courgette Fritters
Stuffed Vine Leaves and Stuffed Peppers
Nut and Mushroom Roast
Red Lentil Stew
Chicken with Pineapple Kebabs
Split Lentils with Courgettes
Olive Bread
Melon Sorbet

Just sent me a pm with your e.mail address and I,ll get them off to you.

Soo xx

I’d love these and other exotic and different healthy veggie recipies. My cooking is nothing short of a disaster though so I need things that only require one pan, or even better, will go in the slow cooker. Could we not have a healthy recipie page on this web site for all those who want healthy food ideas and easy instructions for those days when you’re feeling cr*p and don’t want to spen too much time standing in the kitchen. In the mean time I’d love your soup recipies Aslans mum. x