Anyone being treated at the Western Infirmary Edinburgh?

Hi Margaret,
This whole thread seems to have disappeared!! Don’t know what’s going on!
Will try again later.
Jacquie x

OOPS! Found it again!! LOL
Jacquie x

lol - I had same problem - then the whole site disappeared !! Your hubby isn’t the one I worked with then - wrong first name !

Hi everyone

Sorry we had some technical problems with the site earlier today. I think they are sorted out now and please accept our apologies for the trouble.

Best wishes


Thanks Ann - I assumed that was what was going on when the site wouldn’t load at all.

Hi Margaret,
Know you’ve not got my number but hubby is in phone book. Keep in touch. Am away this weekend not home again til next Fri. Meanwhile, keep smiling – it keeps everyone guessing!!
Jacquie x

Hi Margaret, Just sending you good wishes for your rads as I know you start this week.
Jacquie xx

Hi Jacquie

Thanks for that - been busy all day today making sure all the washing/ironing is up to date (particularly school uniforms lol) - don’t know where the day went - one minute I was getting up - the next thing I know its 9pm!!

You must still have one ot two sessions to go have you? I’m up there on Tuesday for planning then treatment starts on Thursday - driving up for first 2 sessions - then I take up residence on the 25th ! Still not looking forward to it but has to be done.

take care

margaret x

Best wishes to all you ladies at the Western this week. (Im going to the Royal tomorrow for a D and C

ty lmlauder - hope all goes well with D & C


Hi Margaret,
Finished my treatment yesterday! WHOO-HOO!! Hope today went ok for you and that all your treatment goes well. Keep us informed.
Good luck to you too Imlauder – haven’t seen new Royal hope it’s a good place.
Jacquie x

Hi Jacquie

All went well today - planning took about 20 mins - was only at hospital for 45 mins - forgot to ask to see the hostel duhh - mind you I don’t even know if i’m staying in the hostel yet - though hospital staff semed to think I was but I haven’t heard anything. My appts are midday - 12.50 every day, but as I said earlier I won’t be getting visitors or anything so don’t mind too much - it’ll break up the day for me. Went across and had a look at the maggies centre - there’s a look good feel good session in my second week - so booked my place !

Still sitting here with all the felt tip marks all over me haha - and the wee woman who did the permanent marks was vicious with the needle !

Driving up Thurs/Fri - then taking up residence on Monday !

Margaret x

Hi Margaret,

Thinking of you today and hoping all has gone well. Driving up and down – you’re a brave lady, it’s a horrible road! The Lodge is lovely, super staff but can’t say same about the food!

It’s very warm – I found I mostly wore a short sleeved t-shirt so be prepared. Good for you booking the session at Maggie’s, I never made it! The one they offered me was Tues and as I finished Mon I passed it on to someone else.

Wear an old bra when you’re going for treatment – they put pen marks on each day and I’ve managed to get it permanently on a cream bra!!

Take care, let us know how it goes.
Jacquie x

Cheers Jacquie

Went well today - eldest daughter drove me up - took 3 1/2 hours though !! Treatment itself was painless and I discovered about the additional pen marks - fortunately I was wearing a cheap crop top type bra from M & Co - so I didn’t mind too much lol

Thanks for the warning about clothes - I didn’t know what to pack for up there - though I haven’t officially been told I’m staying in the lodge yet - BN at Dumfries said I should have heard something when I rang on Wednesday - told her I was starting on Thursday and I hadn’t heard yet lol. Staff at Edinburgh just said as far as they knew I was staying the Lodge but they’d check! - So I guess I’ll just wait till Monday and find out!

Is that you finished all treatment now or have you anything to go? One of these days I will get round to phoning you - think I’ve found your number lol

Margaret x

Hi Margaret,

Takes ages to get up that road! One day my husband was coming up to get me and we were going on to Dundee for a funeral. It took him nearly 3 hours – he said he could have been in Dundee faster!

Danny the housekeeper at the Lodge certainly seemed to be expecting you – well, we worked out it was probably you!! Certainly seem to be lots of “Margarets” around at the moment – 3 when I was there!

That’s me finished all treatment at Western tho’ obviously I’m on tablets for 5 years and then of course, the other tablets for the wonderful side-effects! Go for check up with Onc on 26th March so will take it from there.

Left you a note at the Lodge – just ask Danny for it.

Take care.

Jacquie x

Hi Jacquie

Well, finally met up with Danny today - he was expecting me to be staying yesterday !

Gave me a tour round, and gave me your letter - that was so nice of you, thank you. I will definitely give you a ring now I have contact numbers - probably over the weekend if that’s alright? And you’re right about the Margaret’s haha.

I have been given the one room where the tv doesn’t work, but Danny has put a wee portable in there for me!

Food on the menu he showed me doesn’t look too appetising - think I’ll be packing biscuits aplenty haha!

Danny also appears to think I’m staying till 25th march - according to me I’m finished non 19th - hope I’m right! Unfortunately I then have to carry on with chemo for 3 months - then a year of herceptin - but given that the chemo & the herceptin increase my 10 year stats from 33% to 89% I guess I’ll persevere !!

speak soon

Margaret x

Hi magz175

Just poped in to say “hi” as I saw your name come up

Just to say good luck with all your radiotherapy - can’t believe that you have to stay away from home - what a nightmare!!! What are you going to do with all that energy??? Perhaps you could get a job as a cleaner … :slight_smile: … well might be worth a thought - I’ve done it before … not bad money usually …perhaps not in a hairdressers though!

Night night - off to bed
Hope it all goes well for you - and ev1ryone else of course!
Love FizBix xxxxxxxxxxxxxx