I have not previously posted on the forums but saw Rachael’s post and her experience is so similar to mine I thought she may be interested in what my oncologist has decided.
I am 57 (just!!) and found a small lump on New Years Eve. GP and initial hospital visits all suspected a cyst but turned out after core biopsy to be cancer. Had WLE and SNB end February with clear margins, recovered exceptionally quickly, that is physically. Diagnosis following full pathology report was 1.3cm lump, no node or vascular involvement seen, Stage 1 but Grade 3.
I met with the Consultant on Tuesday this week, he is from Clatterbridge Cancer Centre which is a specialist centre and he is the senior oncologist there. He felt that 15 radiotherapy sessions plus 3 booster ones and Anastrozole for 5 years would be the best treatment for me. He believed chemotherapy would be ‘overtreatment’ and all things weighed up this would be the very best way forward. We asked about the Oncoscore as we were prepared to pay for this privately but he again did not think it would be helpful in my case.
I have confidence in his decision and have seen my GP who is exceptionally supportive and interested and she was not at all surprised at the treatment plan.
I was prepared to have chemotherapy if it was deemed necessary and my team were fully aware of this, I am reasonably fit and active with no other health concerns.
I now have my radiotherapy planning day on Wednesday next week so onwards and upwards.
Hope this was of some help and interest to Rachael and anyone else in a simolar position.
Good luck and my very best wishes to all who find themselves faced with BC and everything it throws at them!!
Hi VAB, Many thanks for your very informative post. We do seem to be in a very similar situation and it is interesting to hear of the advice/guidance you received. My physical recovery was also very speedy and I had clear margins at the first attempt. I did mention the Oncoscore to the Registrar. He said might help me make a decision and thought it would cost £3/400 but in fact I thought I had read it would cost £2500. I know that cancer is a very unpredictable condition but even so it is surprising how differently we are all treated in one way or another.
I have found the experience and knowledge of others in my situation very supportive so, at the risk or boring everybody, I will post my eventual decision and how it was reached when I get that far!
With very best wishes, Rachel