Hi Everyone
Well last chemo for now done and dusted. Feel OK for now too, but am sure aches and pains etc will kick in shortly. Got a new tablet form drug to take for my oral thrush in mouth and also something to help with my Senna for my constipation that I get. So hopefully that will all work.
Think have told you got CT Scan on 3 December (daughters 4th birthday), then seeing onc on 12th December, and am going to try to see if can start Herceptin on 18 Dec, as just wanna keep things going and know that I am still being treated, and will worry about it all over crimbo that things going on inside that shouldnt be. So am going to write a letter to my onc tomorrow asking him if he can organise it for me to start on 18, but not going to hold my breath. Also they are going to organise heart scan before herceptin starts, so we shall see. No really sure how I feel about finishing, as not overly excited just strange feeling and little worried too.
Jacksy hope that your last chemo went well too and you are not suffering any side effects. Let me know how you are.
Kay, wot can I say, good luck tomorrow and am wishing and hoping that everything is good news for you, and that you get the ansas re your liver that we want to hear. Waiting with baited breath to know what I might expect. Take care and try not to worry too much tonight and let us know when you can.
Allie, go for it all if I was you, carry on living and book your holiday and get your car, life is too short and even without this blasted disease we don’t know what the future holds, so live life for today and enjoy. We are planning on going to Florida hopefully in March/April to Disney, just depends on how much insurance would cost for me, but hopefully ok. Something to look forward to after this years crap, and cancelled holidays. Hope your little one is OK. I am doing fine now after my hospital, hopefully won’t happen again, as would then be over my daughters 4 birthday and can’t face missing another birthday, break my heart. They only gave me 80% today though, as apparently taxotere builds up, so the last two doses were a bit too much for my little body!!!
Maddison know what you mean about the OH. Me and my OH have few squabbles, but think it is hard for them to understand what we are truly going through and the emotional rollercoaster. My OH sticks his head in the sand too at times and doesn’t want to contemplate the “what ifs” and “what can happen”, but hey ho, we get through them and move on. Hope your Taxol went OK today too.
Jen hope you are doing OK too and anyone else that I have missed. Hopefully be on line tomorrow and Friday, as long as aches and pains don’t kick in too much.
Kay, still not seen response from Wisdens and am REALLY REALLY worried about her. Gonna check on bccpals as not sure if she is on that site and see if anyone has heard from her.
Take care all and sending lots of love. Bath time for sprogitts!!