Anyone from Surrey / Hants

Hi lladies for anyone being treated at the royal Surdoe, please come to the fashion show on the 8th march at the mandolay hotel guildford, all proceeds go to the fountain centre, wo are wonderful…
hope you can make it.
nicky w

Hi michelle
What day do you have your herceptin…my next one is this Monday 25, so mayb see you there…

Hi Nicky,
Ah would have been good but I have had all my chemo and now heceptin at UCHL but decided travelling to London everyday for 6 weeks of radio would be too much. So am juggling them both at the moment, fun times

Hi ladies,
I’m another local living in Farnham . If you are arranging a met-up I’d like to join you. I was dx in feb 2011 & have now finished all my treatment , chemo, op ,rads & herceptin . I’m trying to come to terms win my new normal and think it might bbc time to get out & meet others in the same boat - even if at a differen stage of the journey .

Bumping up for newly diagnosed local people.