Anyone had a nipple graft?

I’m wondering if anyone has had one of these.

I had mx after chemo end of 2008, expander at same time, inflated prior to rads. That was replaced with a gel implant last summer, and my ‘good’ side reduced/lifted for a better match. A couple of months ago I had a nipple reconstruction, which unfortunately didn’t work and led to the implant being replaced with a smaller one. Once things had settled I was considering having just the tattoo, no actual nipple-I heard from some women on here who’d had that done. But when I saw my ps recently he suggested a graft from my existing nipple.

He recommends I have another reduction to the good side-to balance it -and at the same time would split the nipple and graft part of it onto my implant side. I hadn’t even considered a graft- I have a vague memory of hearing they didn’t tend to do them.
I am considering whether to have anything more done carefully. The replacement op really threw me backwards for a while, but I would like to come out of all this with a reasonable result, so trying to weigh it all up over the next few months.
I wondered if anyone had experience of a nipple graft, whether it was ok, and whether the remaining nipple retained feeling/healed ok afterwards, thanks.

I had a nipple graft 2 weeks ago. I was advised, however, that the graft may not “take”, so be warned and discuss this with your PS.

It was not possible to create a nipple out of the flesh on my reconstructed breast because I had had rads, so a graft was the only option.

I had a general anaesthetic because at the same time the PS dealt with dogs ears under each arm.

The dressings came off a week ago - there are self-dissolving sutures on all wounds with the exception of the grafted nipple, and I have to return tomorrow to have the remaining stitches removed.

I am absolutely thrilled with the result. All that remains is for an areola to be tattooed within the next 2-3 months.

The breast from which the part nipple was taken had no sensation in it anyway due to breast reduction surgery many years ago, and I have also had an LD flap on that side as well following removal of the breast tissue and replacement with an implant in order to achieve symmetry.

I hope this helps.

I experienced no pain following this recent surgery, just a little soreness under the left arm where the dog ear was dealt with, but that only lasted a couple of days.

Thanks Bubs
Really helpful to hear from someone who has had one and is pleased with the result.
I will definitely ask about it ‘taking’. I don’t want to end up in the same position as last time.
Its interesting you were advised not to have one because of rads-the nipple that led to my infection on mine was made from skin that had rads,and was very thin- I think perhaps the damage had just left it too tight to cope.

Its great that yours is looking so good-what a brilliant result. All the best with getting the tattoo, thanks for sharing your experience.
C x

I’m glad to have been of some help, cupoftea. Any further questions, please do ask either via this thread or via private messaging.

That is what is so utterly brilliant about this website - we can ask a question about a forthcoming procedure, or about certain medication, and we get an answer from someone who has actually experienced it directly. In other words, we “hear it how it is”, rather than having to refer to a book or leaflet written by someone who, although qualified to write on the subject, has not experienced the procedure or the drug for themselves.

I was diagnosed 3 years ago and have been so very grateful for being able to refer systematically to this website for information about the various stages of treatment I have gone through.

I never looked at the subject of breast cancer treatment as one huge hurdle to get over, rather a series of little fences. And guess what, that is exactly how it has turned out, for me at least. I have learned so very much about me, about other people, about life in general, and thank God for such a marvellous NHS.


Thanks for that, I may well ask a few more questions while I am pondering.
I agree, my treatment has been fantastic in the main, and the options available for reconstruction from such skilled plastic surgeons is great.
C x