Hi all and hope you are all coping the best way you can with the chemo.
I have just been told that I will have to have a portacath fitted in preparation for a year of Herceptin…not that I am looking forward to that!
My question is…has anyone had a portacath fitted and if so how is it fitted? Was you awake or did you have to have a general anaesthetic? If you was awake did it hurt? When I asked my oncologist if it hurt he gave me a look and an errmmmmm but no real answer so am a bit worried about it all and I don’t need to worry about more than I have to at the moment!
Thanks Tigs xx
Hi Tigs,
I have had a portacath now for nearly 4 years. Hospitals seem to vary in their approach to this. At the Marsden it is done under a G.A. but several hospitals do it under a local. If yours does the latter then as for sedation as well and you won’t remember too much :). It is usually inserted under the skin on the upper chest, about an inch below the collar bone. With mine you can see a small bump about half to threequarters of an inch across. It lies totally under the skin so there is nothing to see. Really great cos you can swim, bathe etc. and don’t have to worry about water getting anywhere. Nurses are specially trained to access them and I find it never hurts to access or remove. If you have a problem with that you can ask for cream that numbs the skin. Hope that helps but if you need to ask any questions I am happy to answer.
Hiya Tigs
I had mine done under local, and I have to be honest - it flippin hurt! But having said that, it was still worth it, I’ve just had 5 of 6 chemo and each one one without a hitch with blood tests and chemo. I also have to have herceptin for a year, and the thought of having to poke around for a vain everytime didn’t appeal at all!
Also, it didn;t hurt for long so as much as it wasn’t nice having it put in, I would still have it done every opportunity.
Hope this helps, Carly x
Hi Tigs
In addition to the replies you have had you may find the Macmillan site information about portacaths useful, here’s the link:
Best wishes
Hi Tigs
My surgeon will only do them under a general. Although I had a few teething problems, I am very glad I have it. I am sometimes aware of it and occasionally have a little discomfort - but no pain. It doesn’t hurt to access it and speeds up treatment quite a lot. Good luck with whatever you decide.
finty x
Hi Tigs
I had mine under local and it didn’t hurt, but it was very unpleasant going into the operating theatre and having to lie on a very hard bed and not move, but it was worth the discomfort, as chemo is given easily without pain or discomfort.
Good luck
Had my portacath done under GA, fitted very neatly under skin and compared to 7 attempts to get access for first Chemo and burnt veins from the epi the portacath was great, had all my bloods done through it as well. It was removed with local anaesthetic in theatre last week, 6 weeks after last Chemo.