Anyone had chemo at Guildford


AS the title says - anyone had chemo at guildford. Getting very nervous now as chemo starts friday.

Take Care, Love

Anne x

Hi Anne

Yes I did 4 years ago so things may have changed a little. Everyone was very very nice and the Fountain Centre was great. However there was quite alot of hanging around as everything was done on the same day appointment with onc, bloods etc (I had half my chemo at another hospital where the bloods and onc appoint was done 2 days earlier but it did mean 2 trips to the hospital). My poor husband spent his 40th birthday there but he did gets lots of kisses from the nurses!

The first chemo was the worst as I was very nervous but once I knew what the routine was it was better. I hope all goes well for you and I will be thinking about you on Friday.

Becks xxxxx

Hi Anne,
I made enquiries about going to Guildford for treatment and the general consensus was that the team there are very good. in the end I opted for Brighton which is nearer for me … Parking at both is a problem but where isn’t these days?
Hope all goes OK

Hi Anne,
I am undergoing treatment at guildford at the moment…halfway through now… I have found everyone really nice,especially in the fountain center where you can wait before your chemo, they supply you with endless tea and coffee, and as Becks said once you know the routine it makes things easier, hope all went well and your not feeling too bad at the moment
Take care

I had chemo at Guildford too. The nurses are very nice, but the hanging around is awful. SOmetimes I would wait for six hours for my chemo. And the parking is dreadful. Is your oncologist Stephen Houston?
