Anyone had radiotherapy in Northampton?

Hi all I don’t have times for my appointments which seems bizarre? Is this the norm for Northampton or should I be more demanding? Thanks

Hi summer I don’t start mine till chemo finished at mk hospital, but I have had one app there for oncologist and waited ages as they were so busy, and if I’m not well and have had to phone the ward they have taken ages to answer , sorry can’t be of anymore help, but I would love to know how you get on.
Take care and good luck Ruth xx

It’s unusual speaking from experience of NGH. They normally write or phone with time & date for appointment but worth checking as I’m sure you won’t want to spend the whole day there.
Best wishes, Stuart

Northampton only give you one appointment and after radiotherapy they give you the next one. You dont normally have to wait too long either, not like in the chemo suite where you have to wait at least an hour!
Telephone them and check. I am assuming you have been marked already.
If I remember I had an appointment to be marked and then had radiotherapy about half an hour later.

hello , i too had 20 radiotherapy sessions in northampton, and it was the same i had appointment for next day made after each session. i did find them very good and tried to be helpful if they could.

wisheing you all the best


I didn’t go to Northampton; just finished 3 weeks at the Churchill in Oxford. I was given a full list at my planning appt.

I found this really useful as I worked all through the RT. For me it would of been a nightmare only finding out my appt time the day before as I need to arrange my work diary.

If it works then fine; for me I needed more of a schedule for at least each week.

At Oxford they did change my appt once on the final Friday as I needed to see the nurse before end of my treatment. I went Tuesday to Saturday.

Take care; hope all goes well. I ended up a bit pink and quite spotty. Luckily the early burning sensation settled in week 2 and so far no itching. Must have just about stopped cooking as last session 10 days ago. Seems to have flown by.


Hi there

I have been referred to NGH just today and am now waiting for an appointment with the oncologist to talk about my radiotherapy. Hope I don’t have to wait too long for my appointment as my surgery was 3 weeks ago and I want to get on with it. Will let you know how it goes.

Judy x

Thanks everyone for your replies. I am trying to keep working hence why no times worries me. I have great friends to help with kids and all but it is frustrating. not sure how they manage apts without booking timings but then i’ve not done this before xxxx