anyone in county durham area ie Bishop aucland?

Apart from an inverted nipple which was a bit tender and actually thinking I was wasting
Her time, I went to see the practice nurse who promptly sent me to the local breast clinic.
Then almost unbelievably within the last fortnight I have not only found out I have breast
Cancer from one specialist [no 1] the first week, But also, because specialist [no 1] was
Unavailable, yesterday specialist no 2 booked me in for a mastectomy in three weeks
Time. I know the doctors know what they are talking about, but I don’t! And I know they
Ask if you have any questions but how do you asks questions when you are both pole axed
And feel so ignorant you know what to ask? Even when the breast care nurse spoke to me
I honestly didn’t know what to say.
She did however give me a booklet called ‘treating breast cancer;’ which is basically why I
Am here today. While it has scared the living S***t out of me I wish now I has been given it
And some of the other information to go with it last week. Because now as usual .I have a
Million and one questions I would have asked. I don’t even really understand which type
Of cancer I have!! Or if there is a risk of it spreading or even if it is too late now that the
Theatre is booked to ask about other options. I know the breast cancer nurse said she
Would answer any questions but, as usual not having enough money on my mobile and no
Local telephone box how can I?
As I know others will have probably gone through his, can anyone please take the time to
help me ?

Thanks for reading From Angela.


I am not in Durham but thought I would say hello. It sounds like you have had a difficult time. Its really difficult to take anything in at the moment you’re diagnosed - thats really normal.

my first thought is call your breast cancer / macmillan nurse and ask her to come and see you as soon as possible. borrow some cash from a friend or family - There are macmillan grants available to help you through this time (speak to your nurse and ask them to help you) so you will be able to give them the cash back. This is not the time to worry.

If this is not possible then go straight back to the doctors and tell them you need some advice urgently and can they arange for the macmillan nurse to see you straight away.

have a list of questions that you would like to know answers to. get someone to help you and sit with you if that will help.

finally- you have to get the support and help you need and your needs come first now (this may not be how you lived your life before) so get some more information and ask if there are other options available to you (if you are advised to have surgery then you may be able to get re construction at the same time )

you might also want to post this on a different part of the forum - I ma new to the forum but I posted my question on te wrong bit and didnt get any answers. Lisa x

if you post your quesiton in the diagnosis forum / recently diagnosed you might get some more suggestions

Hi Angela

I am sorry to read about your recent diagnosis, BCC have published a booklet for those newly diagnosed which may help you to understand more, you can order it via the following link:

In addition, please call our freephone helpline on 0808 800 6000 which is open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm and Saturday 9am-2pm where you can speak to one of our team who are either specialist breast care nurses or have had an experience of breast cancer themselves and are here to support you and help you through this difficult time.

As Lisa has suggested, it would help if you posted this in the newly diagnosed section where others at a similar stage can offer you support and information, if you are not sure how to do this let me know and I can do it for you.

Best wishes

Hi angela I am from ferryhill not far from you but I moved away a long time ago.I live in Shropshire now.You are having a rough time I hope things improve soon.Which hospital are you being treated at?My grandad had a market stall in bishop many years ago and I used to ride in the deerpark.Take care pet.Love valx

Last sept 08 I had a full left masectomy at the age of 42 now undergoing cemo and I would love to talk to you and help if I can in any way possible it is so good to talk to others who can give advice from a personal point not from a doctors or nurses point as they have not experienced such a thing

Hi Angela, I’m in Darlington. I was diagnosed in Aug 2006, had a mastectomy, chemo, rads and am currently 2 years into tamoxifen. I’m one of those people who copes with bad news by trying to find out as much as I can about it. My oncologist dreads me saying “I was just reading about…” as he knows I’ll grill him about whatever it is. If you want to chat on the phone or meet up for a coffee, let me know. I can’t promise to have all of the answers however I might be able to answer some of your questions. I’m 49 (and growing old disgracefully)


Hi Angela,

Sorry to hear you are going through this dificult time. I live in Sedgefield Co Durham, I am 37. Was diagnosed in Oct, full right mastectomy end of October and am now going through Chemo.
I agree, it is a scary time and hard to think straight. Like Geraldine, I armed myself with knowledge by trawling the internet as much as I could. There are many support groups out there to help, aswell as within your local hospital. Get yourself back there to see your BC nurse or consultant armed with your list of questions, they will be only too happy to help. In the meantime, please feel free to contact me anytime, I’d be only too happy to help, provide info, or perhaps meet for coffee.

best wishes


I am newly diagnosed living in Darlington, it all happens so quickly and there seems so much information out there that I went into overload. I am not looking at the internet much and relying on good sites like this one and my breast care nurse. I agree asking questions and going with a list helped me, I have a little pink book I write all my questions in! and responses

Hi Sox, the BC nurses are very very good in the Darlington area. not only did they answer all of my questions but they put up with all of my snot and tears moments. It is a very difficult and isolating time. Feel free to drop me a line.