Anyone in the Sussex Area...?

Any young 'uns in the Sussex area who might like to meet to PM and then maybe meet for a coffee? I’m 33 and have been recently diagnosed (3 days ago!), but have only lived here for a year and all of my friends and family are brilliant, but live miles away, so I would love to meet up and have a chat with someone going through the same thing…


Hi just wanted to say hi I live in Sussex am 47 so not that young lol just wanted to let u know who I was and to say hi sorry u had to join us happy to chat if u wld like laura


I’m in the Sussex area as well. Just finished Chemo and Rads and now on a trial for 6 months for herceptin. I’m 51. Michelle

I’m in Sussex (Brighton), I’m 51 and have got secondaries so might not fit what you’re looking for. Just wanted to say hi and good luck!
Julie x

Hiya, I live in Horsham. I’m 42 and would love to meet up for a coffee and chat sometime.


I completely forgot that I’d started this thread! So I’m really sorry that I didn’t reply to anyone! How rude of me!!

Lady M - I met you at Choccie’s. Hope you’re well. Maybe we could meet up halfway between here and Horsham at some point?


Hi there, i’ve only just seen this reply. I’m free for most of this week. Anywhere is convenient for me to meet. I hope all is well with you. I discovered another lump about a week ago and don’t know whether to start panicking about it or not as yet.

Lady M, give the BCN a ring and get it looked at quickly, to get the worry dealt with. If your hospital people are anything as good as mine they’ll give you a really quick appointment to be checked over, and if it’s a cyst will drain it there and then and you can go on your way.

Can I come too?

YAY! - let’s organise a get together - CM, Lady M and anyone else. Although I don’t have a social life at the mo and haven’t been anywhere for the past 3 months - I’m suddenly a bit of a jetsetter at the mo (allbeit a boring one that just turns up at people’s houses and sits on their sofas eating chocolate). I’m in London staying with family after Wednesday’s TAX as OH is away and I was bored and lonely and then am back briefly on Weds for my Herceptin and then off to Cornwall for the bank hol. Then back for my next TAX (having it fortnightly - comes round too quickly!!). So if you guys meet up over the next week anyway can we please meet up again in Sept anyway?

I’ll throw some dates out there! 05, 06, 08, 12, 13 Sept? My last chemo is 14 Sept…counting the days… Although the next step after that is the dreaded double m - so not wishing that along quite so quickly…

And I deffo agree with Choccie - just get it seen to so your mind is put at ease. Chances are it’s nothing nasty - but horrid to be worrying about it.

Hello Sandytoes, just to tell you and anyone else in Sussex that four or five of us stage 4 peeps have a get together every few weeks (and I can highly recommend our little group). Our last meeting was at Beachy Head Pub in Eastbourne, but we tend to meet in different parts of Sussex, according to who is joining us. If anyone would like to come along, just let JulieD know as she coordinates dates and places.

Hi Guys

I’m 44, live in Hove and my first FEC is due on 9th September.




I live near Worthing. Have just finished rads. Would be interested in meeting up.

Take Care x

hi Nicola and Katy
I live in Shoreham By Sea.I meet up every few weeks with a group of other ladies, as Lemongrove has posted.We are all secondary people, so don’t know how you feel about that.We are a friendly bunch(vary in age) and meet up socially for a chat.JulieD cordinates our meetings or pm me if interested.

Linda x

Hi - also in Sussex here. If you do get something going for young women or want to meet up 1:1 then I’d be interested (aged 35 at diagnosis last year, had surgery, chemo, bi-lat mx with recon since). Best to PM me as I don’t check /post here often :slight_smile:


I would love to meet up too. I am 30 and am nearly half way through my chemo. I live in Surrey, near gatwick so it is almost Sussex! I drive so am happy to come down to the coast. PM me if anyone wants to meet up.

Kate xx