Anyone in Watford / St Albans area?

Hi Gill and Sandra
the stage I am at (we all seem to have ops and treatments at different stages throughout), is I had a lumpectomy just before xmas. The results from the ‘lump’ taken, the cells around it and 13 lymph glands removed exposed different cancer cells too (lobular), around the ‘lump’ but none in my lymph glands. This lead on to having a mastectomy.

I have just FINISHED, (HURRAH) 6x FEC chemo on Thursday so although I am elated that that part is over I am feeling rough and will be until Thursday at least before I start picking up. This is not the same for everyone having chemo so I don’t want to scare you both. Some amazing women still hold down full time jobs. You will find after the 2nd one you will know what to expect and you just have to go with the flow.

My next torture (I’m hoping I’m wrong) is radiotherapy which I will be having at Mount Vernon. Got appointment to have tattoos (lovely!!) on the 11th of June then the treatment should start a week later.

AND THEN I’ve got to look forward to 5 years of tamoxifen so even when it seems over, it isn’t!

BUT I’m getting there, we all are, and I imagine like me you have been going through a wide range of emotions. Mine have been illogical at times but even those are settling down now.

Good luck with both your chemo treatments; it will be interesting to hear your experiences with it.

Take care
Lesley. x

Hello Lesley,

Hope you don’t mind me commenting on this. I finished my radiotherapy at Mount Vernon 2 1/2 weeks ago. It’s not that bad really and the tatoos are not a lot to worry about, they prick your skin with a needle with some ink on it, my daughter thinks that the one in the middle of my breasts looks like a blackhead and she wants to squeeze it - apologies for the distgusting analogy but it’s about the easiset way to give an example of the size.

One piece of advice I will offer that was a big help to me is to start using Aquaeous Cream on your breast now, apply night and morning, I did this for about two weeks prior to the rads and it helped protect my skin.

The teams in the Radiotherapy department at Mount Vernon are fantastic people and really very friendly.

Good luck with the treatment.


Thank you Evadne,
I wasn’t really worried about the tattoos to be honest; they can’t possibly make my 10 inch scar that replaced my breast look any more hideous!! But thanks for the Aqueous cream tip I will start using that soon.

Have you had any side or after effects from the radiotherapy? Only my breast care nurse has warned me that my that my skin might feel sun burnt, I may, like chemo get nausea and fatigue which could last for 6 months after.

Lesley. x

Can I join in here? :slight_smile:

I live in Watford and am currently having Radiotherapy at Mount Vernon.

I’d just like to echo the comments that the tattoos are no bid deal - one in the centre of chest and one under each arm. Planning appointment took about half an hour (despite all the warnings in the letter/leaflets to allow half a day!) and the staff are lovely. I was told about the aqueous cream and given a tube at planning and at my first appoitment so started using it a week before my first session.

I’ve now had 10 out of 15 zaps and so far my skin is holding up ok, My chest area is pink like a mild sunburn but not yet sore and that is despite having a ‘bolus’ to treat the top layers of skin which I was warned could make any skin reaction worse. I’m also having treatment to the area around my collarbone and that is barely noticable.

I haven’t had any nausea or fatigue so far - in fact yesterday we took the boys (3 and 5) to London and spent the day at the Science Museum then went to Chinatown for dinner, it was a long day but I don’t think I was any more tired than I would have been before all my treatment started (I’ve already had chemo followed by Mx and ANC). The most wearing part of rads is having to attend the hospital every day though you do get into a routine and see the same faces each day - I’m starting to feel like LA9 is my second home!

Betsy - I’m sorry your original thread has been hijacked! I really hope when you finally get your results that all is good for you. The waiting really was the worst part for me, I’ve found everything since far less stressful so I really feel for you having such a prolonged wait.


Hello All and thank you for comments.

I am at my parents (father is in hospital) so it’s tricky for me to post but I didn’t want people to think I was rude and not replying!

Hope everyone is ok - I finding it difficult not telling my parents about my situation but can’t whilst dad is in hospital - it needs to be all about him at the mo.

Will pop back when I can

Happy Bank Holiday to all x

Hi Betsy0
I was in a similar situation with my aging parents (79 and 84). My mum was in hospital with depression and I was trying to keep my dad in the dark about my suspected breast cancer. However, when the results were back and I was booked in for a lumpectomy I had to come clean and tell him. I had to let him decide whether to tell my mum or not.

It’s hard when you are looking after others interests/emotions ect… but if it comes down to it you have to think of yourself too. Fingers crossed that it won’t come to it.

Lesley. x

Hi All,

I’m so sorry you’re all going through such a tough time - I feel a bit of a fraud being on here when I’ve yet to be diagnosed. But I’m pleased to have started a thread that’s helped you guys ‘meet’ and support one and other.

In answer to your question Lesley, they don’t think it’s a cyst as it seems to be irregular in shape and not ‘liquid’ if you know what I mean.

And friends, yes - I’ve been told what I should / shouldn’t been feeling a fair bit…!

Hope everyone is ok.

L x

Hi Lesley

Sorry I didn’t get back to you earlier. Unfortunately I’ve had quite a skin breakout. My skin peeled quite badly and was very sore, owever I will say that the nurses at MV were really good. I went back and was given some paranet gauze and dressings to put on the skin. It’s taken a couple of weeks to get better and is still quite sore, but then there’s a lot of breast with me! :slight_smile:

Only advice I will offer is to be aware of how you feel and deal with it on a day-to-day basis. I’ve found that the best way, you are the only one that knows how you feel so listen to what your body tells you.

LA9 was my second home to - such a great team of ladies there :slight_smile:

Evadne x

Hello Betsy0,
How are things going? Hope you are surviving the waiting game and that your father is on the mend. Not too much longer now till your next appointment.
Hello Lesley,
Hope your tattoo appointment went well. I was surprised at just how big a site Mount Vernon is. I’m back there on Thurs for a chat with the wig lady. Had my first FEC last Monday (7th) so am hoping that the wig arrives before my hair goes :frowning: The staff all seem wonderful. So glad you have finished your chemo, that must be such a good feeling. I’ve been lucky with my first and have had very few side effects, almost dreading going for number 2 as I’m expecting it to be worse. I’m on for radiotherapy and taxmoxifen too so will be interesting to hear how you are doing with your treatment. Hope all is good at the moment and you didn’t have too many SE’s after your last chemo.
Hello Evadne, I’ve just seen your comment about aqueous cream and been out and got some!! Won’t be having radiotherapy until November but have decided to start with it now!! HOpe you have recovered from your skin reaction.
Hello Linda, you sound busy with 2 boys to look after!! Hope the rest of the radiotherapy has gone well.
Wishing everyone well,
Gill xx

Hello Betsy
How did your appointment go last week - I wondered about you and the lump? Wishing you all the best.
big hugs
DiMillie x