Anyone left with lymph nodes after SNB positive?

I have posted about SNB before and everyone seems to have full axillary clearance if any nodes are positive apart from me! I had only 2 nodes removed both of which were positive but was just referred for chemo and radiotherapy. I have been unable to get an explanation of why and frankly still have panics that I probably had more affected nodes left behind and what this may mean for the future.

I wonder whether there are contraindications for SNB? Have read on another website that it is not right for over 50s, tumours larger than 2cm, or women who have had previous chemo or surgery since both of these can affect the normal flow of lymph.

I would really like to hear from anyone else in my situation.


I seem to be in a similar situation as you and have had a bit of a panic over the last few days. I had a grade 2 tumour which was removed with wle and sentinal node biopsy during which they removed 5 nodes, 2 of which turned outto be cancerous. They decided not to give me any more surgery but have explained that following chemo I will be having radiotherapy to the breast, armpit and collarbone. The onc says that in his opinion results for a full clearance and someone only having rads are the same. Like you I have tried to find more info on this procedure but still keep coming up with the story that if cancer is found in the lymph nodes they are then all removed. Lin

What a relief to find I am not alone!!
The thing about chemo and rads is how long you wait. I was 5 weeks before starting chemo and my imagination ran riot with the possible implications. I honestly believe that I would have been better off having full clearance straight off. The other thing for me was that I had been told that chemo would not be as effective for me since I had had it previously for a different cancer. I felt I was relying for too long on what might not be doing me much good.
Certainly from what others say on this website nearly everyone has full clearance after positive SNB. So obviously opinions must differ. It just does not feel right to me.
I wish you well with your treatment - I’ve nearly finished the radiotherapy and am trying to move on!

You may find this helpful. I was quoted this study whilst at the Marsden


Not a very helpful study for me as I have already had chemo prior to slnb but possibly for you. Bottom line is that its you taking the risk not your surgeon so keep reading and discuss until you get to a strategy you’re comfortable with. Also take into consideration type of cancer - not addressed in this or other studies. I have triple negative which can be difficult to clear with chemo so may interpret the risks differently to someone hormone receptive.


I had one of 2 positive. Awaiting results on a third.

Thank you for this info GK, I had 4 nodes removed and had micrometastates in the first node but the other 3 were clear. Originally we thought all 4 were clear but further testing picked this up. I was worried I’d need a ALND which I was dreading but was advised by my surgeon that this wasn’t needed. I’m starting chemo later this week and have rads after this so if there is anything lurking around (which they don’t think there is at this point) then hopefully the treatment will zap it.

I only had my SNB with cancer in it but had them all taken away I don’t understand why some take them and some leave them

Not sure this is helpful but my surgeon said that it is pretty much impossible to remove all the lymph nodes even with axial node clearance. She and the oncologist really see the node clearance as an opportunity to better assess the stage of the cancer. So she will basically take a large chunk of them but not worry about leaving some.