Anyone on low dose Amytriptyline?

My GP has prescribed 10mg a day of Amytriptyline to help with anxiety. Has anyone else been on this? Did it help with anxiety and were there many side effects? Thanks

Hi Lolly

I take 10mg per day to help me sleep, which it does (a bit). But the dose is much higher than that for actual depression, which is what the drug is designed for. Perhaps your doctor thinks you just need to switch off better at night? No side effects for me at that dose.

I took 20mg per day for a while and although it made me sleep better, it had a numbing effect, which was great after the SNB when the nerves were all irritated, but later on wasn’t so great because it also numbed bits I didn’t want numbed and limited my love life.

10mg is a very low dose…I’m on nortriptyline, a sister drug, for post mastectomy pain syndrome and I upped my dose to 20 mg. which is better. My pharmacist said it isn’t therapeutic for depression until 75mg. but it may work at low doses for anxiety because it DOES have sedating effects. Your drug is considered a third line drug (which works better than mine, a second line TCA).

hello, I am on 10mg amytriptyline for shingles pain. I had shingles 2 years ago aand it has not really cleared up, still crops up again if I am stressed, and I also get post herpetic pain. The amytryptiline keeps it at bay. I sometimes try without it but then the pain comes back. I do wonder if it is ok to take it for long periods but my GP doesn’t seem too bothered about it, so if it works I shall keep on …

I’m on same meds. Somewhere between 10-25mg to help for sleep. I was taken 10mgs before diagnosis, went straight to GP after this was confirmed and went on to 75mg, so 10 is pretty low. Have to say that whatever dose it gives me a terrible sweet tooth and I’m now about 1 1/2 stone heavier than before, not good if you’ve got BC.

But I have to sleep, if I do I can handle most things, if I van’t then it all goes pear shaped.


Hello Ladies

I haven’t been on this site for a while but noticed this. I am taking 10mg amytriptiline daily as have had quite bad rib/nerve pain since my Mx and recon 3.5 years ago. I have been on amytriptiline for 15 months now and it has made a bid difference. When I was first prescribed it my GP told me to give it 4 weeks before I would notice any effect as it is cumulative and at the low dose prescribed would take a while to build up to be effective and she was right. I have been on it ever since with no side effects, except I do find that if I take it late at night after about 10pm then it is hard to get up the next day whereas if I take it around tea time then getting up at 6:30am is no problem.
Interestingly my GP says she takes this herself as she gets migraines and has been on it for several years now!!
Hope this helps and good luck xx


I was on amitriptyline for 8 years after WLE for my arm which ached. I went up to 50mg and after going on to Letrozole after Tamoxifen I am getting such a dry mouth etc and well as other things I weaned myself off it.
It made no difference and I have now been diagnosed with Burning Mouth Syndrome and am on 10mg of Nortriptyline which probably isn’t high enough but I am sleeping better although I have major indigestion but thats probably not due to Nortriptyline.
