Anyone Quit Tamoxifen

Ive been taking Tamoxifen for a few weeks now and cant face it anymore, Ive had a miserable xmas and quality of life just sucks big time. Ive heard about Grapeseed Extract as an alternative as it mops up all the cancer cells and also acts as an A.I.for oestrogen receptors, has anyone else heard of this and is it worth a try? I cant do anymore sleepless nights and endless days of anxiety and my hair & skin looks like Im about 90 and Im hobbling about like one as well!! Just one thing though - just dont want reoccurence so really stuck what to do…

Hi Rocketdog

Could I suggest you give the helpline here a ring and have a chat with one of the nurses, they’re here to support you through this. Calls to the helpline are free, 0808 800 6000, lines are open again tomorrow at 9am - 5pm.

Take care,
Jo, Facilitator

Hi Vodkagirl
The first question I would ask is why are you being prescribed Tamoxifen if you are 11 years beyond menopause? Why haven’t you been prescribed one of the aromatase inhibitors? That’s what’s usually prescribed for the post-meno ladies.

It doesn’t necessarily follow that inhibitors are prescribed for post meno ladies. Some are Tamoxifen for five years, some for two years and then changed to an inhibitor.
I experienced some severe side effects but as Rev Cat says they can reduce over time as mine did.
